I have to agree, I’m loosing patience I don’t have . Maybe I need a bailout hum❓😆😂 But the American Militia won’t wait a second term before anything gets done . And just so the DEEP STATE understands . We’re not afraid of you . Many of us have served , and a lot of us you would not know are . We’re teachers , police officers , plumbers , cooks , etc etc etc , and many who never served but are more then willing to join in the fight . You will never know your talking to a militia member and we are DEEPLY DE-CENTRALIZED . So there is no cutting the head of the snake scenario for you so called Intelegence agencies . And as far as your mercenary army . Well you can BET that many countries in the world are going to be hunting them down for DECADES . The RUSSIANS will never forgive the DEEP STATE for what was done to them , and the CHINESE didn’t forget the opium wars . The world is just SICK of these assholes , and I just don’t think the American sheepl can take much more , well at least the ones that don’t keep our balls in a glass jar on top of the refrigerator . 😂😆 Great show guys , and thanks for providing us with relevant information and news we can use .👏👍✌️♥️👊🏻
Watching the video now. Thought you might want to see this too, in relation to the subject matter you are talking about.
Florida School Shooting Censored on Steemit- Blatant Censorship by @sneak on One of the Most Revealing Posts Ever on Steemit - Post with 850 Views
I have to agree, I’m loosing patience I don’t have . Maybe I need a bailout hum❓😆😂 But the American Militia won’t wait a second term before anything gets done . And just so the DEEP STATE understands . We’re not afraid of you . Many of us have served , and a lot of us you would not know are . We’re teachers , police officers , plumbers , cooks , etc etc etc , and many who never served but are more then willing to join in the fight . You will never know your talking to a militia member and we are DEEPLY DE-CENTRALIZED . So there is no cutting the head of the snake scenario for you so called Intelegence agencies . And as far as your mercenary army . Well you can BET that many countries in the world are going to be hunting them down for DECADES . The RUSSIANS will never forgive the DEEP STATE for what was done to them , and the CHINESE didn’t forget the opium wars . The world is just SICK of these assholes , and I just don’t think the American sheepl can take much more , well at least the ones that don’t keep our balls in a glass jar on top of the refrigerator . 😂😆 Great show guys , and thanks for providing us with relevant information and news we can use .👏👍✌️♥️👊🏻
I agree with "V", just release everything, if you have it bring it! There is no time to be Mr. Nice Guy anymore...