Anyone else think the Eurovision contest was rigged?

in #eurovision6 years ago

My personal opinion is that it was rigged in order to whitewash what is happening in Israel. Not a single person I've talked to actually liked the song either. It would be very interesting if we could get some independent researchers to do a survey of the people who voted by phone to see if the majority actually did vote for Israel.

Israel has become a brutal and intolerant occupation force. The Israeli head of the Ministry of Justice, Ayelet Shaked, wants genocide. They shoot demonstrators and journalists with live ammunition. They make laws where throwing a rock is punishable by 20 years in prison while they themselves can legally shoot people who throw said rock. The youth of Israel have gown up to become fanatics with the mentality of terrorists who think killing civilians is an acceptable strategy.

Our collective European vote for Israel in the Eurovision contest was a vote for more of this:


Personally I highly doubt that people watching a song contests that is about diversity and unity would do this. So I have to conclude that it was rigged, or people simply don't know. This is a reasonable explanation considering that the government of many European countries are so afraid of what comes out about Israel that they're willing to censor even YouTube videos. Not long ago an interview by Abby Martin concerning this was censored by many European countries, including the UK, France and Germany to name a few.

You can watch that here:

Meanwhile, China gets banned from even watching Eurovision because they censored the rainbow flag. On which planet does this make sense? Are we really pretending we're okay with this turn of events?

Bottom line is, Israel is a Fascist regime, and that Netta could stand on that stage and proclaim "I love my country" to cheering crowds is extremely unsettling. How complacent have we become when we allow this to happen? I for one was not aware that the Nazis won the war, but it seems like they did, since now we're apparently all believing the holocaust didn't happen and it's not happening now either.

Since when are people who throw rocks at occupying soldiers terrorists while soldiers who shoot civilians and politicians who call for genocide not?

I for one will continue to boycott Israel, and I hope all the good people of Europe will do the same so there will be no Eurovision in Israel next year.


You confused me a little with this bit,

I for one was not aware that the Nazis won the war, but it seems like they did, since now we're apparently all believing the holocaust didn't happen and it's not happening now either.

But otherwise I think we agree. Do they still do that thing where they drop the tiny bomb on the house to warn them that they're about to drop the bigger bomb? They call it knocking or something?

I might have been a bit overly cryptic with that Nazi reference, some guy stormed the stage, stole a mic and said "Nazis of the UK media, we demand freedom". You should see how they're reporting on it too, acting like she was assaulted and talking about how brave she was and other nonsense. I don't actually think the Nazis won, I was just trying to make the point that a lot of people around here seem to have no clue that Israel is acting a lot like the Nazis did and a lot of the European governments and media supports it.

I don't know if they're still doing the "knocking", I wouldn't be surprised. Have you seen the t-shirt some Israeli solder was wearing? It has a pregnant women in the target of a scope and says "Two for one". There was a documentary on TV here some years ago that interviewed some Israeli upper class teenagers who brought a picnic to a mountain where they got a view of Palestinians being massacred, they considered it entertainment and had no problem saying so on camera, that's how screwed up a lot of Israel has become.

Oh yeah, trust me, i know.
One reason you may get some resistance is because religious people that want the end times to be triggered are all about israel taking full control of the area.

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