In case you don't know what is GDPR

in #europe6 years ago

GDPR is an acronym for General Data Protection Rights.

GDPR can be defined as a regulation that requires businesses to protect the privacy and personal data of EU residents.

Its rules are strictly adhered to as non compliance could attract fines for companies and organizations. GDPR increases the potential fines organizations face for misusing data.


It was adopted in 2016 by the European Parliament and it replaced a data protection direction from 1995 because it does not address many ways in which data is stored, collected, and transferred in the modern day.

It came into existence before the advent of the internet and the social media.

GDPR protects privacy data like health and genetic data, IP address, cookie data and RFD tags, racial or ethnic data, name, address, ID numbers and other basic identity.

GDPR also protect political opinions, biometric data, and special orientation, etc. GDPR makes it easier for people to find out the amount of information organizations have on them and what they use it for.

This helps to prevent illegal and unnecessary data collection.

General Data Protection Rights(GDPR) defines several roles that are responsible for ensuring compliance like data protection officer, data controller, and data processor.

It is advisable for companies and organizations to be GDPR compliant, to avoid unwanted fines and always be fully prepared for GDPR evaluations.


I've just come out of workshop organised yesterday by the EU Observatory and Forum, where people from technology, the legal profession and regulators discuss how GDPR applies to something so disruptive as blockchain.

This first such workshop was very alarming with respect to what GDPR means for blockchain. I've written a detailed personal account in this post "Blockchain and GDPR - A Call to Arms"

We have a combination of those laws in the U.S. One thing I have to watch for a lot in my current profession is the HIPA act. Its a lot of the GDPR, minus the IT part of it. We always have audits for stuff like that and actually are going through one right now.

Thanks for letting me know that!

great post

yeah, I doubt you read it

It's really good they changed in 2016, because from 1995-2016 there were a lot of technological changes that happened quite rapidly.

It came into existence before the advent of the internet and the social media.

Something about this makes me feel sketchy, because It gives off a feeling that they knew that internet and social media was going to exist.

Got to know more today in details thorough your post otherwise it was very lengthy in the official post about gdpr

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