Euphoria Phase One - Journal Entry 2 - Day #2 -Keys, Gold And Breadcrumbs {A Mystery}

in #euphoria6 years ago

My name is Detective Roy Killian

The time of this recording is 5:17 pm.
After receiving an anonymous tip from emergency operators. I am in the company of 4 other officers of the Madisford Police Dept. as we approach the resident of Millionaire moguls, Sharon and Toliver Ogprie.
Based on the emergency operator call we had every reason to expect foul play.

After knocking for approximately 4 minutes at the entrance of the residence there was no answer. We had a locksmith to open the door for us.
The first thing we noticed was that all was quiet and dark inside of the residence.

After thoroughly searching the 3,000 sq feet mansion I will report that all we found was the following:

There were six pieces of evidence that were found at the scene.”

  1. A short letter that abruptly came to an end but not before asking “Why did you break my heart”? And it ended by saying I no longer have a reason to draw breath. Tonight my life will end.
  2. A bottle of wine and two wine glasses
  3. A packed suitcase with clothes belonging to Mrs. Ogprie.
  4. An array of Gold Bullions
  5. Three golden keys
  6. And last but not least the “Poetic note” that sealed the deal and gave us a deeper glimpse into what led up to the phone call to the emergency operator.

The Note read:

You gave up all of this for him.
You lied to me repeatedly for him.
You smiled in my face while behind my back daily you stole from me
For him.
You broke the sanctity of our 12-year marriage for him.
And now you will pay the price not once but twice. ‘All because of him.’

Other than the six clues the house was spotless

Yet 5 miles down the road there had been an accident
A car had crashed through an embankment and plunged to the bottom of the deep, cold blue waters of the Ketajian River that ran through the small town of Madisford.

It would be morning before forensics and rescue crews would finish their work at the overpass of the embankment.

We all would have to wait until first light to close the case that seems to tell the story that will lead to the most likely conclusions. Daylight would bring the answers to who we would discover at the River bottom after all the needed work was done.
But just to cover all the bases and not be blindly distracted to follow the obvious breadcrumb clues. I took the liberty to place guards at the border of the town and at the airport and train station.
It was a gut feeling but it paid off.

At 3:04 am at the eastern border, our deputy patrol pulled over a couple that fit the description of Sharon and Toliver Ogprie. They did not appear to be injured.

Because they did not expect to be discovered upon approaching the vehicle we found champagne glasses in the front seat with a bag of cocaine and a dime bag of marijuana.

They were so high they did not even realize that they were being placed under arrest.

It was to them a bad nightmare of a dream or a crashing of a high that was meant to last forever since they presumed like many before them that they had pulled off the perfect crime.

Yet one thing still puzzled me it was something that stood out and did not fit. Why go through all the trouble of accusing your wife of an affair if you are just going to run off with her?

The words he wrote in the poetic note haunted me, “Now you will pay the price not once but twice. All because of him”
I immediately pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind and refocused on the case.

The first thing that occurred to me was.

If we could not book them on murder we could for sure book them on possession with intent to sell and there is the matter of driving while under influence.
And then my phone rang. It was one of my fellow detectives that had been following up on some other aspects of this case.
And for a couple of seconds, I froze and all the lightbulbs came on in my mind when I heard the detective say to me;
'We have discovered documents that lead to a Real Estate Agent by the name of Cameron Shoefielger that sold the Ogprie's their last three properties, Mr. Shoefielger has been missing for the last 24 hours. Also, You might want to know that Mrs. Ogprie has an identical twin sister named Karen.'

I hurriedly ended the phone call and ran over to where the couple was being handcuffed and read their rights.

I waited patiently for the officer to finish and then I looked her in the eyes and said Hello Karen nice to meet you. Her eyes widened with fear.
That was when I knew without a doubt who we would find at the bottom of the River of Ketajian at daybreak.
This ends the recordings of today’s events of the last 10 hours of the case of Mr. and Mrs. Ogprie.
Detective Roy Killian signing out for the night.

Cover Image courtesy of
*Image 2 by

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