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RE: PLEASE STOP POSTING AND UPVOTING, you're eating into my rewards

in #ethics4 years ago

By voting for my "payout declined" comments and posts, you are supporting the highest-quality-community-approved-content of the top-earners!!!

Lol, although I do feel your comments and posts are quality, I am not sure I understand the logic here.

When you vote for something that's "payout declined" your contribution goes directly into the "reward pool" which gets distributed to all the posts that make more than $20 steem, with the highest percentage of the pool getting distributed to the top-earners who are providing the highest-quality-community-approved-content!!!

So you're not contributing your steem to me, you're contributing your steem to whoever the whales decide "deserves" your steem (but I still get a small rep boost).


But hey, I still got around it didn't I, with some ENGAGE , so you got rewarded for your time whether you like it or not!!!! 😛

Thanks! Those tokens can't be downvoted out of your hands!!

I get it now, I thought this might be what you mean.

It seems rather sarcastic, directed at the top earners in a bitter way.

Not really sure what to say, but I get where you're coming from to a degree. Still, why not accept rewards? Being bitter about it and declining rewards while spending time to create conversation and content is not really cool in my opinion. It doesn't serve much of a purpose to me.

It's just my opinion man, but by saying that, it's like saying "vote me so you can support all the people I don't agree with", which doesn't really taste good to me.

Just being honest, but I do support your opinion, just not going to upvote on the bases of such sarcasm. It's rather negative to me, and lacking any semblance of positive forward thinking.

Ok, well, thanks for your understanding.

I've already been criticized for my voting habits and accused of "being greedy" (specifically for complaining about downvotes).

So I figured, in order to "prove" I'm not doing this "just for the money", I should go ahead and decline payouts.

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