
In a village where the common ground is cannibalism, for example, then is that not dangerous? Do you want to argue how that is perhaps not dangerous? You could defend the cannibalists if you want.

People kill people for any number of (justifiable) reasons. What they do with the dead bodies would seem to be incidental.

It's not the "common-ground" that makes it any "more" or "less" "dangerous".

Are you promoting cannibalism? I hate it. You seem not to care about it. What about drag queen story hours? Is that ok too?

You're off-topic.

What do you think is "dangerous" about COMMON-GROUND?

How many people in the world have the common ground of being involved in children sex trafficking, in kidnapping kids, in raping the babies, the toddlers, in having sex with these young people, in murdering kids, teens, boys, girls, women, sometimes men, in many many countries around the world, spanning many races, all the genders, sexes, many religions, many different classes, etc, am I right? How many of those people believe in what they do? Have you seen Lionel Nation talk about that?

Ok, do you understand that COMMON-GROUND is a COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUE that is used to facilitate dispute resolution?

Your laundry list of atrocities has nothing to do with COMMON-GROUND.

The common ground is that there is a God. That has always been true for thousands of years and all around the world. Well, it goes beyond that as well according to people like Steven Quayle. So, it seems that there are genealogies of these ancient earth kings that go back thousands to millions of years, possibly. The evidence is overwhelming.

the bible is real and YHWH is the one true god, now what?

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