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RE: Ethics, Veganism, & Vagueries Like Voting

in #ethics8 years ago (edited)

"I believe that the ethical superiority of veganism logically follows from the theory of ethics that I have espoused. We are born with natural moral sentiments. We dislike suffering and we sympathize with other creatures that suffer."
You are misguided in your beliefs.
If we didnt eat meat we wouldnt raise animals (So you would be destroying the growth of many species)... If we didnt raise animals.. We wouldnt have fertilizer... If we didnt have fertilizer... crops wouldnt grow... Then everyone starves to death... It is logically incorrect to think this type of ethnic belief is superior. People like you are the same people who think you are "superior" to other humans for not eating meat but are quick to claim you love animals (you treat animals like Gods and humans like animals). I am a farmer and eat meat. I can guarantee I have a greater love for animals then you ever will as I spend 8 hours of my day with them...We do not mistreat animals if anything I am their slave. I work to provide them with food and shelter... Not vice versa.. I tell you, God will not accept your sacrifice as he did not accept Cains... But he did accept Abels. I do not judge you for your path but do not label yourself as ethically superior when in reality you are not.


Lol. Firstly, I’m not vegan, so there is no confirmation bias or self-righteousness in my judgement. Veganism is an ethical choice that one must make, and transitioning to veganism will likely be a step I take in the near future. We raise chickens, so I have animals too. And I’ve actually studied permaculture principles and am aware of the role of animals in agriculure. Animals aren’t needed for fertilizer. An immeasurably large amount of human waste is collected and disposed of every year; that waste could be utilized for agricultural purposes. If we stopped raising animals and created composting facilities for human feces and human food waste, it would be much better for the environment.

Furthermore, the sort of arguments that carnivores put forth in defense of exploiting animals these days are basically the same as those put forth in defense of slavery in ages past. We can’t have fertilizer for the fields without slaughtering animals, just like there wouldn’t be anyone to pick the cotton if we didn’t have slaves.

Also, God is a myth invented by patriarchal and homophobic, misogynistic racists in ancient times in order to rationalize their bigotry and justify their own unethical behavior….so I don’t find the appeal to “God” particularly convincing.

Human waste cannot be used for fertilizer lol. And actually it would be much dirtier for the environment, because human waste is very unclean. Im assuming you dont collect your own human waste and use it for your garden do you? I use our cow and horse fertilizer for my garden. So put your money where your mouth is and eat veggies fertilized from your own human waste and see how your stomach feels. The properties of animal waste from animals that graze off grass are specific. That was a very foolish statement.
"Also, God is a myth invented by patriarchal and homophobic"
You are headed down the wrong path. I do not lay judgement on you for men have used the word of God for wrong-doing and they are hypocrites. But God is very real and I hope you find him before your are judged in death as we all are. I wish you the best and I hope for no hard feelings. Thank you.

For the record, biosolids (human waste) are already used as a fertilizer and there's rules and regulations for proper processing, application, etc. So, to say that it can't be used as fertilizer is simply not true. It can and is. The current EPA requirement is that biosolids must contain no detectable pathogens in order to be used for agricultural purposes. Yes, there are ways to process human waste in order to make it safe. It is perfectly feasible to create more treatment plants to process human waste specifically for agricultural use and make that the norm.

Like I said put your money where your mouth is. Im not having this argument this is BULLSHIT clearly cow fertilizer is more efficient. Get a brain snowflake.

lol.... how about, maybe you should cite facts and actual scientific research instead of giving baseless claims and getting upset that people challenge your false claims?

"cow fertilizer is more efficient" That is a scientific fact. Have fun in hell.

And please like I said, collect your own feces and put it in your soil. Or is it not to repulsive? Or would you pay someone to do it because you think your superior to them? It is because of people like yu the world is the way that is it and God will lay judgement on you and I will be the one who will stand as "ethically superior" not in your eyes but the eyes of our true God. FOOL.

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