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RE: Ethical ramifications of, The PRIME-DIRECTIVE

in #ethics5 years ago

Peace is sought because one is sane, because everything is better than killing and hurting. As long as there is no house-to-house fighting on your street and you can leave your home without being killed at the next corner, as long as there is no curfew, no grenades and no military rule, you don't have to pretend that it already is. Whenever your life is in danger, which you seem to be anticipating and aiming for, your instincts and other survival strategies will either prevent you from dying or not.

Obviously, people have always depended and still depend on peaceful understanding between themselves, on maintaining their dignity and on behaving humanely towards each other in times of peace as well as in times of extreme need. This is often the only thing that people suffering from war can offer each other. Of course, my family could not speak to their prison wardens, this much is clear even to a small child.

Consensus is not something you believe in, but what you experience. One tries to create it and does not expect it to be easy. When there is conflict, it is never easy, but difficult. You don't have to believe in peace, you have to practice it. In the end, everyone who is interested in peaceful and non-violent existence is a winner, even if he dies. The peacebringers are obviously in the minority. Well, if I were to turn away from them in resignation or anger every time a minority or a single person approaches a hopeless cause, there would never have been the strong examples of our history, bringing hope and compassion to their respective era. They have saved many a life, which you, being so convinced of omnipotence, seem to have long since given up?

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