Hate isn't worth the effort

in #ethics7 years ago

But it's been a hard thing for me to keep in mind the last several days. I'm feeling miserable in many ways right now-- I need to get over it.

It's very rare that I hate individuals.

I can hate actions. I can hate gangs which exist to commit those actions I hate.

If an individual is in a gang which encourages actions I hate, then eventually I might start to hate that individual-- especially if their gang becomes an important part of their identity and they defend the evil they commit due to their gang associations.

If another individual continually commits actions I hate, on a freelance basis, and refuses to stop or take responsibility for their actions, then it is always possible I could start hating that individual, too. It's still about the actions rather than the individual.

More likely, though, I'll pity those individuals and see them as stupid and/or stubborn. In most cases I'll continue to hold out hope for any individual, knowing that anyone can change and stop being a bad guy in an instant. All it takes is realization and a refusal to excuse the inexcusable just because it's convenient.

And pity is healthier for me than hate, anyway.

Bad guys of the Blue Line Gang


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"Hate the wrong-doing but not the doer." I also hate the action as much as possible but there's one lady in my life right now that makes my blood boil. Before I could commend on how passionate she is and her goals are amazing but the way she wanted to achieve them were just preposterous. And I'm against it. We keep explaining to her that it can't happen but she thinks she's that awesome, she can do whatever with will only and she thinks she's way above the law. She never listens. She will literally listen to you but she's firmly stands on her blind belief. I'm not against her goals. For a matter of fact, we aim for the same thing but our ways are waaaaay different. She doesn't admit it but I think she actually hates my job. When asked, "Are you anti-(my industry), she would answer, "I am for the common good."

Just wanted to share. I could really relate @dullhawk.

Would she be open to you both working toward the same goals, using different methods? I believe a free society will need people coming at it from opposite directions- as long as you are both actually heading toward the same thing. The problem I see are those who say they want liberty, but are working to undermine it for "pragmatic" reasons. Still, I just leave them to it and go my own way.

The only "common good" is individual liberty, which is why almost no one who does things in the name of "the common good" is doing what they claim.

It's just that she doesn't see our point (no matter how hard we point it out) that we do it for the people, also. She doesn't know how our industry works and is always spouting nonsense and baseless arguments. She judge something based on what she sees and thinks about the matter when she should weigh the pros and cons for her to decide. It's like more heart, less mind. It's like, "I will listen to your explanations but I've set my mind, no one can stop me." She also generalizes. I don't like that about her. Her methods are "eradicating" us, the other means.

Hate and pity are counterproductive. Force in the use of self defense and in the defense of individual liberty is productive and is our duty to ourselves. All means possible are acceptable when the rights of the individual are violated.

Hatred and pity cloud the mind, and both lead to fear. I would rather laugh at someone than pity them.

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