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RE: The Ethereum Classic coin- The free market's answer to the hard fork?

in #ethereum8 years ago (edited)

Clearly you missed my point. You personally are ok with theft? Because immutability?

It's your kids birthday; you're standing in line at Toys R Us and reach in your pocket to grab your wallet.
The man standing behind you grabs your wallet, takes the cash and runs off.

You tell your kid "Sorry hunny but daddy won't get you a birthday present today because finders keepers!"

That's all immutability is in this context, finders keepers.

The point of a blockchain is distributed consensus.
Consensus meaning we agree to these facts and these rules. This Ethereum classic is an attempt to support theft, plain and simple.

You want an ETH fork with a busted ruleset, then fine spin a new blockchain using the older code. But codifying theft and supporting a thief, makes you as much a thief as the pawn shop owner who accepts stolen goods knowingly with a wink and nod. People put their money and their faith in that system, you owe those people a duty of care.

No exchange can support this coin because accepting funds you know or suspect to be the proceeds of illicit activity has a name. Money laundering.

Don't just tell me that this is only "my interpretation". Explain to me how you can justify the theft of millions of dollars. How does this actually work in your mind? What is your logic and reasoning?
Reasoning and rationalizing are the only thing humans can do that machines cannot. I literally cannot reason or rationalize supporting theft because someone built software with a flaw in it and that flaw got exported. I mean why would you even want to run code you know is broken and encourage others to do the same?

This makes no sense, I'm literally standing here, mouth agape trying to figure this out.
Why do you support theft?


People invested in something that was very risky. They knew the risks or they should have thought about them at least. When dealing with any crypto you can easily end up with zero at the end of the day. Buyer beware.

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