Ethereum’s Consensus Software is in Testing Phase

in #ethereum6 years ago

Ethereum has launched its first release of Casper FFG into the testing phase and debugging and code vulnerabilities are a main concern for all altcoins

Image source: pixabay - TheDigitalWay

Ethereum’s shift from the Proof-of-Work to Proof-of-Stake is being thoroughly tested by software developers for bugs. The software client, Casper FFG, will allow the hybrid use of PoW and PoS algorithms to run the network. It will potentially move toward faster transaction speeds and better scalability.

The code provides a way for mining to continue undisturbed by layering a smart contract on top of ethereum that allows users to bet on transaction histories in exchange for rewards. The smart contract also contains a "difficulty bomb," which would (upon being enacted) propel an upgrade by making mining this iteration of the code more prohibitive over time.
Source: coindesk - Rachel Rose O’Leary

Geth and Parity are the main Ethereum software client providers launching the code on the testnet. Instead of working apart, Casper researchers constantly receive feedback from the client developers, creating a strong team effort. Testnets are the core to refining the existing source code, make updates and patch any errors that could be detected before the main launch.

A critical consensus bug was detected that caused the software to fall out of sync. According to representatives of Parity, the issue was patched before it reached nodes operating the live ethereum blockchain. Source: coindesk - Rachel Rose O’Leary

Image source: pixabay - MasterTux

Debugging on other altcoin platforms
Other platforms such as Ripple took years before the release of its rippled Version 1.0.0 software upgrade. While Ripple has been much of the hype these days, their backend support seems to be lacklustre, as compared to the active Ethereum ecosystem of users and developers. Outdated servers tend to be more vulnerable to attacks and Ripple is slowly catching up by implementing a Bug Bounty Program.

The software upgrade, rippled version 1.0.0 has been made to contain various enhancements that have been added to the last software. V1.0.0 is an emblem of growing maturity of the network and the software. It is going to increase the stability of the network, expand the decentralization and ensure that the network of nodes from across the world is working efficiently.
Source: cryptorecorder - John Isige

Holland-based "fuzzer" (a specific type of software QA testing) Guido Vranken, pulled out a dozen different bugs since the EOS mainnet launch, earning himself over $120,000. Vranken has “fuzzed” other altcoins, including bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Stellar and Verge, as well as plenty of other non-crypto systems. In summary, Bitcoin was well-written and tidy, while a only a few bugs were found in Ethereum, Ripple and Stellar. EOS is definitely a pain, with numerous bugs and security loopholes. As for Verge, “It’s an ongoing disaster.” Source:


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