Could an idea like DecentraLand be able to exist on the Ethereum Bockchain?

in #ethereum7 years ago (edited)

Recently Steemit and Ethereum reached 1,000,000 transactions in a single day.

Steemit using 1% of it's Cumputing Power.


Ethereum breaking a sweat using 60% computing power.

DecentraLand Sounds a lot like the idea of Second Life. i've used Second Life Browsers/Viewers and it takes a fast internet connection and a decent amount of RAM to get a decent experience from their platform.

Second Life is a Virtual Reality interface where all content in the 3D virtual environment is created by the users of Second Life.
DecentraLand seems to be the second attempt at what second life has already accomplished.
in many ways Steemit has the same sort of welcoming community as SecondLife and would probably be more of a success on the Steemit Blockchain.

People like @Ackza and @Adept are already Suggesting in the SteemSpeak & Golos Chat that should have it's own Browser interface similar to the TOR Onion Browser that would make Steemit more Secure, Faster, and more Stable.

I used to have a lot of fun in SL and i strongly believe in the future of virtual reality but SL wasn't built over night. it is hard enough getting people understand CryptoKitties. with Ethereum's Gas Prices I don't believe it can bypass the strain on peoples personal comupting power and/or Ethereum's Blockchain.

I strongly feel like the Steemit Developers should hijack this project and combine Discords Chat Experience with Steemit's Economy and try to integrate it with the already existing second life platform.

We need a browser that can combine all the best things about the modern internet. DecentraLand is an idea to big for Ethereum's Blockchain Computing power. ETH gas prices will continue to rise until people would rather use the EOS platform which sounds more equipped to take on the challenge.


I think this is a great idea for the Steem blockchain!

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