Ken Schortgen: Building a Foundation On Gold & Silver

in #ethereum7 years ago

Ken Schortgen: Building a Foundation On Gold & Silver by Rory, The Daily Coin

Russian President Putin recently met with Vitalik Buterin the creator of the Ethereum blockchain to discuss how Ethereum could work within the Russian economy

The meeting between Buterin and president Vladimir Putin occurred at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, which took place between 1st and 3rd June, following an address to a global group of chief executives.
According to the brief statement released on Friday by the Kremlin:

"Mr. Buterin described the opportunities for using the technologies he developed in Russia. The President supported the idea of establishing ties with possible Russian partners."

Buterin, who described the meeting as a "brief conversation" on Reddit, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Putin’s meeting with global heads of business is notable to the blockchain community for reasons that go beyond the conversation with ethereum’s inventor. In a brief address, the president gave insight into multiple blockchain efforts happening within Russia. Source
China and Russia have been developing alliances, such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the EurAsian Economic Union, BRICS, North-South Corridor, AESAN and a great many others, these are just the big ones. These alliances will ensure economic success outside of the U.S. fueled economy. Once the infrastructure, including all the banks, is built out for the Belt and Road Initiative (the New Silk Road) the heartland will no longer be reliant on any outside economy for anything. How quickly will this happen? The first delivery along the Belt and Road Initiative was made in February 2016. It is going to develop and manifest much quicker than most people can wrap their heads around.

The Belt and Road Initiative, headed by China, is building the 21st century global trade model. The nations along "the new silk road" will trade with China, Russia and India. These much smaller nations, that are resource rich, will be able to bring the wares to market much easier without the fear of the Federal Reserve Note siphoning off their profits or blowing up their economy with inflation.

I sat down with Ken Schortgen, Jr., The Daily Economist, to take a deep dive into what is happening with these forming alliances, the physical gold involved and what, if any, role the cryptocurrencies will play. Cryptocurrencies are just now coming out of the shadows and the world has noticed. This could change everything. Gold backed cryptocurrencies may be the path China and/or Russia pursue to re-introduce gold to the monetary system. Gold, in my opinion, is coming back to the monetary system. I don't know how and I don't know when, but what I do know is - it is one of the best ways to get a grip on this economic collapse that is unfolding before our eyes.


New user. Cannot figure out how to follow you and your group. Also cannot find the ones here you linked on FB this week. Did search under all three topics you list. Love your shows in Alaska.

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