Cardstack shows Start-Ups can Help even Amazon

in #ethereum6 years ago

If you keep up with my articles, you know I like Amazon. I mentioned in the past about a new blockchain service that could be really useful even for a company as massive as Amazon. Today, I am going to discuss another project that could really Amazon.

A large e-commerce company like Amazon deals with so many interactions and so it hires tens of thousands of people to manage a lot of services that make its service so good. Amazon reaches out to you on e-mails, it asks in real-time whether you liked your purchase, it gives you real-time support, Amazon reaches out to you via text with updates of your order… you get the idea, they have great service.

At the end of the day, Amazon’s main focus is on giving consumers a great service so a lot of the services they and many other businesses use are purchased from software companies. We have apps, dapps, and cloud services that provide services spelled in a great cocktail of abbreviations. CRM, SEM, SEO, QAM, etc.

Some new ones are XYZ, ABC, WOO… Ok, you can probably tell I just made these up. But my point is that there are so many services that businesses use and the amount something as big as Amazon has to purchase is probably extraordinary. Managing all the features in those services is extremely challenging, inefficient, and time consuming. For any company, time is expensive because labor hours cost money. They of course would want something that can save the time on managing all the technology services they use. And that’s what makes today’s topic of discussion, Cardstack, such a great development.

Cardstack for Amazon

Cardstack is building a software. Ironic, right? I said the problem is that there are too many software and now the solution is another software! Just hear me out.
Cardstack is offering software that will allow workers at a company like Amazon to not have to sift through so many services to find the relevant functions they need at a given point. This is extreme convenience and saves a lot of time and as a result Amazon saves labor hours. Cardstack allows anyone to pick specific functions of technology services and then place them in a stack with other functions from other technology services.

The obvious benefit is that workers don’t need to sift through multiple services to find relevant functions they need for a specific task. They can just put all of them a specific Cardstack. The best part is that many Cardstacks can be made and each can be for a different need combining all the relevant functions needed for that specific need. Workers will have all the functions from many different services in a single Cardstack. Workers waste less time finding important services and put more time into creating value. Amazon saves money on wasted labor and benefits from added productivity.

Of course, Amazon is just one example. Any company of any size can Cardstack to make the process of dealing with technology services truly convenient and efficient.

A final note on a huge plus of Cardstack: it allows the process of dealing with dapps a lot easier. Handling dapps can be problematic because there are so many different tokens now, each for a different dapp. Cardstack brings all the important functions into an easy to manage stack and the services can be paid with CARD tokens. This saves all the time that would be wasted on having to deal with possible dozens of tokens needed to deal with all the dapps a single company could use.

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