Mark Cuban Goes From Bitcoin Naysayer To Blockchain Investment Backer! Don't You Love Hypocrisy?

in #ethereum7 years ago (edited)


Shark Tank Millionaire Says "Bitcoin is in a Bubble"

A few weeks ago, millionaire and "Shark Tank" TV personality Mark Cuban tweeted taunts to the Bitcoin crowd that Bitcoin stored no real value and that we were looking at a bubble that would soon burst. Mark Cuban is known for this rags to riches story, by being a working class here that worked hard in life to achieve the ownership of NBA's Dallas Mavericks. Later and more recent, Mark Cuban was cast in the hit show Shark Tank as an investor who with a panel decides to crush or make entrepreneur's dreams.

Mark Cuban is widely know to speak very bluntly and outrageously with a firm opinion through his Twitter plus other social media platforms. Cuban has been known to be very skeptical of investors rushing to cryptocurrency and has stated in numerous public outings that he doesn't feel crypto is a wise investment choice.

Skeptic Turns Hypocritical, Cuban Now Backs A Blockchain

It appears that Cuban is still not a fan of Bitcoin but did say the technology behind it does hold value in the form of the blockchain behind the digital currency. It has been announced that Cuban has invested in a company called Unikrn, which is an eSports gambling platform based on blockchain technology.

Mark Cuban said of the current business deal:

"I haven't signed the paperwork yet. But it's likely it will happen"

Unikrn is scheduled to launch in September with a sale of tokens based on Ethereum. This appears as yet another Ethereum ICO getting in on action with the multitudes of ICO's being created as of late. Unikrn is founded by Rahul Sood (creator of VoodooPC, and Microsoft Ventures), and Karl Flores (co-founder of Pinion), Unikrn is a Seattle based media and entertainment company. Some of their partners include Razer, HP, Logitech, and Tabcorp.


Though I am not a fan of the guy due to his distaste for the cryptocurrnecy space, I figured I would pass this info onto those here that are ICO crazy at the moment looking for that next big thing. Not a fan of ICOs myself much due to the swarm of them constantly coming out but with such a rich backer and bigger game players in the corporate world on this one, you may want to take a deeper look into it.

Sure we will here more downplay on Bitcoin by Mark Cuban in the future, mainly because he has just sided with its competitor Ethereum in a strange way. Maybe that was the reason for all the "BUBBLE" talk recently? The plot thickens....


Follow me @sflaherty


oh screw me, now I'm worried is it time to get out! lol

but did say the technology behind it does hold value in the form of the blockchain behind the digital currency

or maybe... he just discovered STEEMIT! (wishful thinking but hey!) lol

lol...nah your safe, way it looks this will just be another ICO to come and go lol. This guy is so mouthy though about crypto...shocks me he even had the nerve to announce this one after all the bull he fudded on the whole of crypto.

Honestly, I am not looking at his statements anymore. They change every 3 seconds.

I gave up on this guy to be a valid person to listen too when he went to fudding his bubble talk, its kind of like Trump with his tweets, you just them use that platform but ignore. Gotta say though must take some balls to downplay crypto for months then invest in one lol...guess he realized he is missing the train but man do I not want this guy in here lol

Correct, we need more people like Bill Ackman though. Followed you :-)

Agreed, we do need more like him, not this Cuban guy lol. Following back, really appreciate the read and support

Always such well written articles @sflaherty

Thank you, and this one was done with barely any coffee in me lol. I seen this looking around and said gots to write this one up before someone else does lol.

and well done for not missing the boat. I was up until 3.30 this morning finishing off my blog @sflaherty - they say hard work never goes unrewarded so no one can accuse us of not working hard

Thats all we can do, just keep a blogging and hope for that great outcomes to head our way. Trust I been in overdrive lately lol

Meh... I'm trying to remember if there isn't some clever saying about stuff like this; about the way investors/financiers criticize everything UNTIL the chance to line their own pockets from that investment shows up...

Meanwhile, "hypocrite" is a good word...

Thanks for the share!

Its the sad thing about money, they only chase where it will line that pocket. Honestly this guy did come from nothing and earn his way up, I respect that but man has he become so opinionated with the money he gained. He is clearly a true fiat backer, see for him he sees greenbacks as the only way so he probably is more against the movement in crypto than the actual value of it. So it was only a matter of time he would bank in. Ethereum is not my fav due to this, it seems to keep encouraging in the people we are trying to get away from. Oh well we fight the battle another day lol... ICOs are getting so common place I doubt he will make a lot off of it, eSport betting platforms seem a dime a dozen in the ICO world lol

People can change their minds! Almost every investment that shoots the moon looks like a terrible investment until the very second it becomes a great one!

I agree, people can change their minds. This guy though is in between still lol...he still thinks coins and trying to make a currency out of crypto is wrong, boasts that all the time. I think his reasoning for getting in this is due to it only being a token to get a blockchain going in ICO form.

I remember a few weeks back he was on Bloomberg talking about the Bubble when BTC was around $3k area. I told my buddies to ignore it because I think the funds are trying to talk the whole thing down so they can get in on it and see immediate profits -- since it ran up so much while they were being skeptics on the sideline. It's called smart money for a reason. I think Cuban backing the eSports arena will probably do some good for Skincoin which is ICOing in 20 days or so. So it would be interesting to watch how that plays out. Great post!

I said the same very thing when Cuban was saying that about the bubble lol. Yea they do know what they are doing and how to play the field. I don't hate the man but man is he a little hypocritical but I kind of sensed he might be looking in the crypto space enough to see something he wanted to play on. Good call on your part for seeing the same thing. Skincoin does look interesting...I am not personally much for ICO' this purist thing in me about the movement against central banks and Ethereum has JP Morgan inside them so it bugs me lol....probably a bad move on my end to let beliefs get in the way of making money but I just can't bring myself to back anything with them or their chain due to it. I get it though its a good tech but purist in me struggles with that still lol. Great comment, really appreciate you taking the time to read my stuff

As I appreciate you taking the time to stay on top of some breaking stuff and write good stuff around them. That's the Steemian way! As to the purist part, totally respect that. I feel similar but come from the belief that we can do more good to advance whatever we're passionate about being financially well-off than having to worry about the next monthly bill cycle so sometimes you have to let the little Mark Cuban in you out a little and make the smart financial play, despite emotional stance ;-)... I hope you got the Cuban part (corny joke alert, lol)!

lol...totally get that humor, kind of like my humor. I get you though on that, I have dabbled when I first got into crypto to take profits off the old Eth machine in a stick it to the man kind of way but I do well now a days without them so kind of just stuck with what works for me. I don't begrudge anyone that goes for the me I am not all about just the movement, do like the money part too lol. Its just kind of getting to a place in crypto that maybe the movement needs to kick back up soon, governments are getting mighty touchy lately lol

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