
Pardon my ignorance, who is Roger Ver ?

Bitcoin Jesus

He claims to be the first investor in bitcoin. There's a lot of projects he's invested in. He's probably one of the top 5 richest in the crypto space.

Ah ok, thanks 🙏

sorry, can't upvote any post featuring this criminal piece of shit and it's probably the only time I will also upvote my own comment:

"In 2002, Ver pleaded guilty after selling explosives, marketed as Pest Control Report 2000, on eBay, which the U.S. Department of Justice described as "dealing in explosives without a license", and he was sentenced to 10 months in federal prison.[3][8][25][26] The Missouri company, Max 2000 Inc. that had manufactured Pest Control Report 2000, agreed to cease selling the agricultural firecrackers in January 2003 after selling more than one million of them.[27] The company had been selling the product illegally to fireworks wholesalers and retailers from early 1998.[28] Pest Control Report 2000 had been used nationally to control infestations of birds. The explosives were banned because they could cause serious injuries or death.[28]


Maybe there is something I don't get here. What was wrong with the explosives? Or is it you condemning this guy simply because he sold explosives?

Read again what he did was totally illegal and he got jailed

Doesn't mean he is an asshole. Do you agree with all the laws in your country? If a new law is passed, are your morals following blindly?

don't know which country are you from but I am sure in most countries selling unlicensed explosives marketed as "pest control" through ebay is considered morally bad. Perhaps I am wrong

As long as everything was ok with the product I can't see nothing wrong about it.

I acctually could use some explosives myself to take care of the rodents on my own property. this really a big deal? And is it relevant? Dude was 22 at that time. You who support trump should know that guilty by association is not good. Sure ver did sell bad explosives as a young entreprenuer. 15 years ago. But what doesvthat have to do with his involvement in bitcoin? What exactly are you accusing him of? Trumps a racist!! ....why?

Since you mentioned trump, I would love to see footage or whatever proof that Trump is racist, please no 15 seconds out of context videos :)

Back to Rogers now. What he is trying to do with BTC cash now is proof that if not a criminal he is at least a fucking piece of shit that is so rich that he really doesn't care if he takes the whole crypto world down with him. Too busy too write why this whole btc cash is a facade right now, but that's just it (in my opinion). I made money out of it and hopefully his stupid plan won't work in the long term so all it's good. Still, he is a piece of shit to my book.

By the way, you should check the term " guilty by association ". Example, if my father is a rapist it doesn't mean that I am a rapist too just because my father is. Ver sold illegal explosives, which were...illegal...making him a criminal.

Yah..but it doesnt mean hes a bitcoin criminal. If his former crimes were so horrible why didnt you warn us all about this dude a year ago? His crimes werent relevant back then. Now its a smear campaign. Tell me..100k transactions are pending btc. High fees. It is not a transaction system. Its digital gold. Yhats fine. But we need btc to fork into something like bch. Its not perfect but part of an evolution.

What ecactly has ver done wrong regarding his support of bch?

So many transactions are pending because all the miners turned their machines to bitcoin cash because he fucking pumped the price and it temporarily became (a lot) more profitable ! Don't worry though, now the price is stabilizing and the bitcoin cash network is getting heavier guess where those miners will turn the devices? As for the high fees, roger himself send 25.000 btc today. Do you know how much fee he paid? 50 fucking usd. for fucking 25 000 btc. Does that sound too much for you? Everywhere I hear fees are 50 $ usd or something even for small transaction, one week ago I send 1 btc for 7 usd and it got confirmed in less than an hour. FUD at its best!

As for why I didn't warn you, well personally I am a nobody but many others have done so. No, cash is not an evolution, it's the exact same shit with only slight improvements. And it's gonna face the exact same problems (high fees, slow transactions etc)if it doesn't undergo major changes. Which BTC has already announced! (

The funny thing is people complained about segwit saying it will bring the doom of bitcoin because reasons. The bitcoin guys say ok then, we cancel it and we will come up with something better and then you complain that the fork didn't happen and BTC is dead but cash is the savior! And you know what is even funnier? That you complain about bitcoin, how it's not decentralized and all and you choose over that BITCOIN FUCKING CASH which is essentially controlled by one person.

TLDR: Fuck logic

P.S.: You people really don't undestand that if bitcoin falls immediately all the trust to digital currencies will be lost? That everything will go to shit? Or you think bitcoin will simply switch with cash and we will live happily ever after breaking one ATH after the other?

P.S 2: I never said he is a bit coin criminal. Just a criminal and a piece of shit. :)

P.S. 3: If all you people care is about technology and how btc can't be used for transactions why do you even support cash when there are coins that are already tested and much better than both cash and core? Monero, litecoin, even steem! But no, it has to be cash for some reason which compared to core still sucks major balls, just less.

Why are you so angry? This post was about Ethereum. Relax man.

Seriously, you've discredited yourself from some potentially valid points and concerns by being overly assumptive, passive aggressive, stating opinions as if they were fact and justification to criticize @scandinavianlife, and generalizing that "you people really don't understand", etc., etc...

You can't speak for "you people". Just speak for yourself, and a lot more respectfully at that to encourage constructive discussion.

I am angry because I am bored of hearing the same arguments against BTC again and again when the exact same flaws apply to cash some to a slightly less extent (e.g. transaction speed ) and some to more (e.g decentralization). I don't give a damn that you think I have discredted myself when YOU people do the same all the time when talking about the benefits of cash.

P.S. I know this started from ethereum but every discussion starts from something and usually leads to something else. That's how discussikns work in case you don't know

You're still not helping your cause by assuming that I'm talking about the benefits of cash. I didn't say anything about it so I have no clue how you'd be able to say that. You're not proving your logic to be too sound, but there's no value in stringing this along. My goal was to defend a good Steemian above you were unjustly attacking based on a stereotype.

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