94 Out of Top 100 Blockchain Projects are Built on Ethereum - But where will they migrate to?!

in #ethereum6 years ago (edited)


Ethereum cannot support this throughput, we know this. The Ethereum blockchain manages a whopping 25 transactions a second. Not much..

Have a look at http://blocktivity.info/ where you will find Ethereum ALWAYS in backed up.
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Ethereum https://www.ethereum.org/
Ethereum uses a Proof of Work consensus mechanism and has a different method of determining blocksize; it is limited by a GAS limit which can be adjusted over time; this gas limit restricts the amount of transactions based on the amount GAS being expended per block. Ethereum has been tested on a public test-net at 25 Transaction Per Second. Theoretically this could be higher relative to the GAS limit being raised over time.

Steem uses a Delegated Proof of Stake consensus mechanism and is built on the Graphene toolkit which has been shown to sustain 10,000 Transaction Per Second on a public distributed test net and theoretically can process 180,000+ Transaction Per Second on well spec'd nodes.

Bitshares https://bitshares.org/
Bitshares also uses a Delegated Proof of Stake consensus mechanism and is built on the Graphene toolkit which has been shown to sustain 10,000 Transaction Per Second on a public distributed test net and theoretically can process 100,000+ Transaction Per Second on well spec'd nodes.

BitShares is first and foremost a globally distributed database that is used as a ledger to track ownership of digital assets. All updates to the ledger must be validated and applied in the proper order to allow the database to remain consistent and universally agreed upon. Reaching a consensus about the order in which updates should be applied is the purpose of Delegated Proof of Stake (DPOS).


Delegated Proof of Stake (DPOS) is the fastest, most efficient, most decentralized, and most flexible consensus model available. DPOS leverages the power of stakeholder approval voting to resolve consensus issues in a fair and democratic way. All network parameters, from fee schedules to block intervals and transaction sizes, can be tuned via elected delegates. Deterministic selection of block producers allows transactions to be confirmed in an average of just 1 second. Perhaps most importantly, the consensus protocol is designed to protect all participants against unwanted regulatory interference.


(EOS) http://eos.io/
EOS is the newest project of Dan Larimer of Blockone https://block.one/ who created Steem and Bitshares. The EOS main-net was launched early June 2018 and is still undergoing the voting process. 15% of all token holder must vote for the 21 delegates, and 100+ are in the running.

You can stay up to date on voting here - http://eosvoter.eosphere.io/
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EOS's DPOS 21 delegate protocol is expected to have the throughput of 1,000,000 transactions per second.


Scalability is currently a major issue in the crypto space. More likely than not, the majority of investors, speculators and even the businesses interests may have no idea about this stuff. Everyone thinks they are building on Ethereum...

NO CHANCE! Psy would expect many of these ICO's to move their projects to something more sustainable.

Some prospective blockchains to migrate to are EOS and LISK.

EOS has 21 delegates and is DPOS
LISK has 101 delegates and is DPOS.

Both projects had foreseen the scaling issues and are working on their own solutions..

Ethereum is attempting to go hybrid Proof of Work - Proof of Stake.. and eventually proof of stake.. They are behind!

Don't be fooled!


Lisk https://lisk.io/
Lisk is a Delegated Proof of Stake blockchain using a consensus mechanism and is has developed a side-chain solution. The main Lisk blockchain will support around 25 transactions per second and the sidechains are expected to support 100,000 tx/ps

We are living through the battle of the through put power - sure, blockchains can coexist.. But so can Myspace and Facebook.. but look where the crowd went..

ALL modifications to the Ethereum code must be backwards compatible for the older applications to function. Etheruem is growing so large and fast out of Hype but can not even support a simple application like Crypto Kitties. If sending digital cats around congests the 'world computer' - we have issues...


The future is moving so quickly toward us...

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