Crypto First - US Real Estate Transfer Executed On Ethereum Blockchain

in #ethereum7 years ago

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Phew, finally some good news!

Officially becoming the first US municipality to record a real estate deed transaction on a blockchain, the city of South Burlington, Vermont has indelibly etched their name onto the blockchain (if not, perhaps, our undying memory.)

Truly, Blockchain is the perfect technology for recording immutable, low-volume-but-high-value transfers such as real estate (or even, automobile transfers.) The relatively low rate of transfers on a daily basis makes the scaling issues preventing most blockchains from worldwide adoption a (relatively) moot issue.

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Chittenden County not previously known for technological progressivism.

This is not good news for the title insurance business.

For those who have not purchased a home, title insurance is something foisted on the vast majority of home-buyers (either via sales pressure or contingency). It is, quite literally, insurance against the possibility that you are being scammed by being sold a property that the "owner" doesn't actually own, or in other words, hold title to. It's paying to insure yourself against government document recording incompetence.

The only time you can cash in on title insurance is when the government has literally allowed your house to be given away illegally. If you go to close on your house contract, and find that the "seller" doesn't actually own (the title) to the house, you are screwed. You lose your money and deposits and have to try to sue this person (who, presumably, doesn't own assets they claim to, rendering recovery chances minimal) for your money, time, and legal expenses back.

Yes, apparently American title registries are, in fact, SO INCOMPETENT that they force on you paying for insurance to protect you from their own gross negligence and startling incompetence.

Well, guess what's going to happen when we can check the title history of any property with a quick Etherscan of an Ethereum address? These title insurance bloodsuckers will be out of a job, that's what.

Good riddance, I say. Buying a house on credit is already only one step up from root canal surgery. Anything that can streamline the process should be welcomed by (the vast majority) of the market.

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Sources: Google, MishTalk, Propy


thanks for the post

Real estate is considered the best way for investment. Earn and save your finances. Exchange Equitybase, created on the basis of blockchain technologies and smart-contracts Ethereum
has developed a platform for investment in real estate.

I hope we will be hearing more news like that in the near future. This is a great use of blockchain technology, validating the property titles. Just another way that blockchain is going to change the current economy!

This is a very peculiar time we're living in. I actually bought some land last year. It was such an unofficial transaction that sometimes I'm not sure if it was a good idea..

Independent banking is the future.

thank you for the information...

Wow! That's great news. Thanks! 😊

Very nice post i like this info thanks

A lot of the skepticism toward blockchain stems from people thinking it had only imaginary value. It was ethereum that made me finally understand it's potential. It's great to hear about things like this and steemit, showing how blockchain is not just a tad.

This is a welcome development, crypto is the future and I am willing to see what the future holds with crypto than maitain the status quo. Please keep us informed on this.

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