Ethereum: The New Bitcoin?

in #ethereum7 years ago


Ethereum is an open-source, public, blockchain-based dispersed computing stage highlighting smart contract (scripting) functionality. It provides a decentralized Turing-complete simulated machine, the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which can perform scripts using a global network of public nodes. Ethereum also provides a cryptocurrency token called "ether", which can be shifted between accounts and used to reimburse participant nodes for calculations performed. "Gas", an internal transaction pricing system, is used to diminish spam and distribute resources on the network. Ethereum was proposed in late 2013 by Vitalik Buterin, a cryptocurrency researcher and programmer. Expansion was sponsored by an online crowd-sale during July–August 2014. The system went live on 30 July 2015. In 2016 Ethereum was branched into two blockchains, as a result of the breakdown of The DAO project, thereby creating Ethereum Classic.  


                                           Ethereum vs Bitcoin

1. In Ethereum the block time is set to 14 to 15 seconds compared to Bitcoins 10 minutes. This allows for quicker transaction times. Ethereum does this by using the Ghost protocol. 2. Ethereum has a vaguely different economic model than Bitcoin – Bitcoin block rewards halve every 4 years whereas Ethereum issues the same amount of Ether each year ad infinitum. 3. Ethereum has a distinctive method for costing transactions dependent on their computational intricacy, storage needs and bandwidth use. Bitcoin transactions strive equally with each other. This is called Gas in Ethereum and is restricted per block whereas in Bitcoin, it is restricted by the block size. 4. Ethereum has its own Turing complete internal code. A Turing-complete code means that given enough time and enough computing power, anything can be calculated. Whereas, with Bitcoin, there is not this form of flexibility. 5. Ethereum was crowd funded whereas Bitcoin was released and early miners be in possession of most of the coins that will ever be mined. With Ethereum 50% of the coins will be owned by miners in year five. 6. Ethereum disapproves of centralized pool mining through its Ghost protocol rewarding stale blocks. There is no advantage to being in a pool in terms of block proliferation. 7. Ethereum uses a memory hard hashing algorithm called Ethash that alleviates against the use of ASICS and inspires decentralized mining by individuals using their GPU’s.  


              How High Can the Price of Ethereum Go?

Ethereum has been one of the top-performing cryptocurrencies in the world since early 2017, some say the price per Ether is going to do better than Bitcoin by 2018/2019. The materialization of Ether is still at its foundation. It is not anywhere close to its potential yet. Ethereum undeniably has a huge potential to go beyond Bitcoin in terms of their market cap. The number of transaction on the Ethereum blockchain has spiked since the announcement on the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) that connects Fortune 500 enterprises, academics, startups, and technology retailers with Ethereum subject matter experts.  

                                  Figure: Ethereum Transaction Cost  

  Although many organizations are capitalized in leveraging Ethereum to aid as a basis for privatized versions, the overarching objective is that one day, each institution’s private networks will be associated to the global Ethereum blockchain. This will bring about a new universal benchmark for information transactions. While the general public is just becoming conscious of Ethereum, it already also has the support of many important global corporations. 

Will Ethereum Reach the Price of Bitcoin?

Businesses are investigating the use of Ethereum and blockchain to improve their operations, all while fortune-hunters are riding the wave to keep the market for Ethereum volatile and liquid. In spite of its dramatic rise, ether is as volatile as bitcoin, if not more. This, on the other hand, bestows an chance for those looking to make money by investing in Ethereum. Bitcoin is a limited commodity and there won’t be more than 21 million bitcoins issued; the situation is not the same with Ethereum — it doesn’t have such boundaries. And because of its restricted availability, for the time being – bitcoin will most likely be valued more than ether. On the other hand, the capitalization of Ethereum may do better than the capitalization of Bitcoin. In other words, the total sum of all ether coins may/will be worth more than sum of all bitcoins. This will most likely mean that there are many more ether coins on the market than bitcoins.   

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By: Luis De la rosa


Ethereum is growing a lot faster than Bitcoin. Today it is the second largest cryptocurrency in the world. And it's not about just growing fast but it's becoming much more used.

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