The Resilience protocol — Darwinian Basic Income

in #ethereum8 years ago (edited)

The Resilience protocol is a decentralized, voluntary, global, crypto basic income based on Ethereum

  • Decentralized: There is no central authority, all nodes of Resilience protocol are equal.

  • Voluntary: Non-coercive

  • Global: Will be applied on a global scale

  • Crypto: Can use any crypto-currency or even fiat money

The Resilience system pioneers “decentralized wealth redistribution” by using a genetic algorithm, based on variation, selection and heredity. The units of replication of this genetic algorithm are called “taxemes” (instead of genes or memes).

Instead of setting a central tax-rate, it uses Taxemes for tax-rates to emerge through free market selection. The system is based on the incentives that it rewards users for doing the work of spreading Taxemes, and it rewards users for spreading Taxemes that extract a lot of tax.

Consumers will be rewarded for seeking out companies and supply chains that use high-tax-rate Taxemes. The reward comes in the form of basic income.


Taxemes are autonomous tax-collectors and darwinian replicators, that have variation, selection and heredity. Each node has their own primary Taxeme, that they control the tax-rate of, and nodes also host secondary Taxemes that have been inherited from other nodes.

Taxemes are inherited on consumption, per transaction. In a transaction of 100 RES, a volume of 100 of the active Taxeme is inherited.

Taxemes spread based on first-in-first-out

var A = {
    personalTaxemeRate: 0.05, //if node has no Taxemes, a new Taxeme is created based on this rate
    taxemes: [{rate 0.07, volume: 30}], //kept sorted by first-in-first-out
    cash: 400
var B = {
    personalTaxemeRate: 0.04,
    taxemes: [{rate: 0.05, volume: 200}, {rate: 0.06, volume: 500}],
    cash: 250
A.send(100, B);
var A = {
    personalTaxemeRate: 0.05,
    taxemes: [{rate 0.07, volume: 30}, {rate: 0.05, volume: 100}],
    cash: 300
var B = {
    personalTaxemeRate: 0.04,
    taxemes: [{rate: 0.05, volume: 100}, {rate: 0.06, volume: 500}],
    cash: 345

Dividend pathways

These pathways are drawn when a Taxeme is inherited, and manifest after that same Taxeme has collapsed. Dividend pathways have a width that is proportional to the tax-rate of the Taxeme that was inherited. Like capillaries and arteries, not all dividend pathways are the same, and some provide higher flow of tax than others.

The dividend pathways get gradually used up as tax flows through them.


Taxemes are destroyed when they collide with their corresponding anti-Taxeme. Anti-Taxemes are created when a Taxeme is created, and they spread in the opposite direction.

Each anti-Taxemes is seeded in large amounts, much like anti-bodies in the immune system, making a collapse mathematically pre-determined.

Taxeme({rate: 0.02, volume: 500, id: 3kTMd})
antiTaxeme({volume: 500, id: 3kTMd})


The tax a Taxeme extracts is sent into the web of dividend pathways that are down-streams from the node that was consumed from.

The tax is distributed through the dividend pathways based on their width, much like how blood is distributed throughout a vascular system.


Each node will grow a vascular system from every point in time when they inherit a Taxeme. In the example transaction from P to R, P will inherit a Taxeme from R, and grow a dividend pathway (which remains closed until the Taxeme is destroyed). Any transactions made by R after that point in time will draw dividend pathways that grow on top of the one that was created from P to R, and tax that is collected will flow down the vascular system to which P is connected.

Think of this kind of like a beneficial pyramid/network scheme branching out from every transaction, with branching fractal pyramid+networks pulsing out every time you buy something, pulsing back money.


Consumers want basic income. Producers that want to contribute are favored by the market of consumers. Self-organizing dividend network. Wealth redistribution through natural selection.


Wow...I love thi community becasue im being shared information I would never have seen. This was quite a wonderful post. Such as using the Taxemes. The way blodd is distrubuted reall helps me undersatnd it quickly and easily.
I would think then that the "nodes" and branching out are a good thing?
AHA Moment the last sentence really brought it home for me-
"Wealth redistribution through natural selection."

This was a very interesting read. I am new to everything blockchain related but posts like this make me want to learn more. The evolution of ideas being spawned is quite incredible. Thank you for this post.

I don't really get this system. Ok, there is a cryptocurrency that is given out as an basic income. And there are producers who contribute by giving their products and services for this cryptocurrency. But what are these taxemes and what are they doing? Please explain this for the dummies again.

Each transaction in Resilience forms a dividend pathway. If you buy something from a store, then as that store buys goods from their supply chain, they will further the branch that grows from you.

These branches behave like "positive pyramid schemes". If a pyramid scheme is viewed as "a voluntary and decentralized wealth transfer system, where each person that joins is driven by the promise of profit", then every single branch would be its own wealth sharing system. Branches would grow all the time, and old nodes would be pruned away as their dividend pathways are used up.

Imagine a "perpetuum mobile" pyramid scheme system, one that never ends, that branches in an infinite number of directions, and always grows whilst also shedding its roots.

Taxemes are the selection system for how much tax each transaction extracts. Instead of setting a central tax-rate for every node, the Resilience protocol uses Taxemes.

The tax is shared with those further down on a branch. Users are rewarded for spreading Taxemes with high tax-rates, because it gives them wider dividend pathways, think arteries and capillaries, that lead to higher rewards.

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