The assistance of each other’s (human) has been in the existence of man

in #ethereum7 years ago


The assistance of each other’s (human) has been in the existence of man, and it can never be diminished. A virtue cherished by all cultures around the world even little things like providing for each other’s including strangers around world or street are always happy and joyful. We have excellent charitable organizations to thank for that and their importance in our society is immense. In fact, they are such a crucial part of our society because they take care of people, animals and environments that have been forgotten by the powers in charge, in an ideal world, there would be on need for charity.

To reduce and potentially eliminate campaign advertising cost, we propose a completely new approach. We recognized that all the forms of charity are rooted in some form of self interest, be it for the thanks we get for good deeds done or just for that warm feeling we get inside. We want to reciprocate people’s charitable action with rewards. Our idea is to remove the advertising needs for traditional charitable campaigns and will take care of advertising via their social networks and will even be rewarded as a result. By reducing such overhead costs, the rewards go back into the community and more funds will be available for allocation to the actual beneficiaries.

The CHERR.IO platform is designed and builds on the Ethereum blockchain to monitor each transaction and well being of the history, using voting mechanism.

Aim: we aim to implement this reward system with the introduction of the CHR token, which will be used by active participants on our platform during the fundraising process.


This have been cherished and loved by many individuals not because is sweet and beautiful, and because they announce the coming of summer. The coming in pairs or triple either in multiple tightly bounded to their siblings, like our community is connected within itself and with the rest of the world. Cherry pits are also very resilient, surviving the temperatures of about 30 degrees c to grow into tall and strong trees that will blossom come spring and bring goodness to the world. strives to follow the same example and help people in distress return joy and purpose to their lives, furthermore, like cherries are used for jam, marmalade, desserts and juice, our platform strives to be versatile in the forms of aid and support it can provide to the world.


In the, it is configured to analyzed and regulate process of identifying people in need and raise funds to bring them the help they so desperately require. By utilizing blockchain technology we strive to provide a secure and transparent process of raising and delivering funds for charities, accompanied by a program of incentives for active participation of the community and as ecosystem that will facilitates organic growth of the platform.


There are many aspects of the CHERR.IO platform to consider. The main actors on the CHERR.IO platform will be charitable organizations alongside the CHR token holders, also known as the Cherrions. Charitable organizations are the target audience of the platform, whose operations we strive to improve and gradually transform for the new high-tech era.

Cherrions represent a crucial part of the community and provide a bond to the outside world. Their responsibilities will be to promote charity, help raise funds and provide community feedback and verification. They are also the ones who will be rewarded for their effort, because the main objective of the CHERR.IO platform is to transform the standard operational model of charities and open it up for innovation by making it scalable and efficient beyond currently established limits.

Normal lifespan of a fundraising project on the CHERR.IO platform will start with project registration and an optional campaign to activate it. Certain projects will require an activation in the form of a donation of CHR tokens, after which the fundraising in ETH tokens will commence. A project will require the activation phase only if the charity starting the campaign deems it necessary.

The main benefit of having one is the community effect that comes with it. Cherrions that will contribute to the activation of a campaign will be personally involved and rewarded for their effort of spreading the word of the campaign. The more people they get to donate, the more funds will be raised, and that will in turn mean a higher reward for everyone involved in the activation phase. After the fundraising phase is finished, most of the raised funds will be transferred to the beneficiary of the project, and a small amount will be paid back to the community, which helped to promote the project and bring it to its successful conclusion. In case the project does not reach its target, the donors will have an option to get their tokens back, or choose to place them into the emergency pool, reserved for urgent occasions. Possession of CHR tokens will not only bring a lot of benefits to the token holder, but also assign certain responsibilities to the community. The main role of CHR tokens will be activating the inactive charitable projects on the platform, which will in turn enable the token holders to receive payback for their contribution. Cherrions will additionally have the possibility to lock CHR tokens on the platform, unrelated to any fundraising cause, to participate in the distribution of tokens after successfully completing campaigns. The following sections will analyze these and other aspects of the platform in detail.


Community is the core of the CHERR.IO platform and is the reason why we built such mechanisms to promote charitable giving. We recognize online social networking activities as fundamental to building a presence online and reaching out to people. Word spreads fast and far on the Internet, and to motivate our community for active participation, we have decided to gamify the social activities of our user base and attribute points. We call this mechanism Proof of Charity.

Proof of Charity is the most important part of the whole CHERR.IO platform, because it serves as a basis for all other mechanisms built on top of it. As such, it is the driving force behind the community, and a feature that fundamentally challenges the current operational structure of charitable organizations. It is a new way of reaching out to society and asking for help, i.e. a way of leveraging the power of community to expand itself. It makes advertising and the resulting heavy costs obsolete because it tasks the community with that job. Since advertising costs have a severe impact on the budgets of charities, using the CHERR.IO platform to drastically reduce or completely eliminate these costs can result in more funds going to the people who need them the most.


The CHERR.IO platform aims to provide a completely transparent and secure fundraising process. All transactions will be executed on the Ethereum blockchain. This will ensure cryptographic security within a permanent and incorruptible public ledger, where all transactions will be visible and auditable. The entire functionality of the platform will be based on smart contracts that will define the rules all parties must abide by. Furthermore, smart contracts will also ensure the rules will be executed automatically without human intervention, thus minimizing the cost of the whole operation.


Twitter mention of platform (#cherrio)

25 POINTS Twitter mention of a campaign (#campaignName)


Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn unique click of a campaign

50 POINTS (PER IP) Twitter/Facebook like/follow

100 POINTS Medium follow

100 POINTS Telegram activity 100 POINTS

Bitcointalk activity



Rate an organization by campaign 200 POINTS

Any donation to active campaign 10000 POINTS * 0.01ETH (MIN DONATION)

Validation of registered user 1000 POINTS

New active Cherrion, who locks CHR tokens 1000 POINTS New organization, who adds USER id in registration form 3000 POINTS


Points from the Reward account can be exchanged at any time for the CHR tokens at a rate of 10000 points = 1 CHR token. This will give Cherrions that are not able or willing to purchase CHR tokens and receive the benefits of token holders a chance to earn them with actions that will benefit both the community and the charitable campaigns.

The CHR token is fully compliant ERC20 token generated for use on CHERR.IO platform.

Integrated within the Ethereum smart contract, it will serve as the utility token of a decentralized autonomous organization — known as CHERR.IO platform. CHR token will act as the underlying fuel driving all participants to show their best charitable effort with self-initiative and humanitarian actions.

CHR tokens will not give token holders any right to:

• Ownership of the company

• Profit sharing of the company

• Participate in decision making, unless options are put up on voting

Base token price in Pre-ICO will be set to 10000 CHR for 1 ETH. 24 hours before the main sale we will open a Proof of Charity Bonus Sale for all validated users. The price will be set to 8000 CHR for 1 ETH. The price for the main sale will be set to 7000 CHR for 1 ETH at soft cap. When the soft cap is reached, the token price is changed to 5200 CHR for 1 ETH. The exchange rate will be locked a week before crowdsale and will be valid for the entire time of the crowdsale.

The crowdsale is open only for approved white list users. Contributors contribute voluntarily and their participation cannot in any way be defined or treated as an equity investment into the company that owns the project on the address Contributors agree with Terms and conditions published on

We will create a smart contract that will handle the whole ICO process automatically. The main features of the smart contract will be:

  1. The smart contract will have a security measure for the contributors. If the minimum goal (soft cap) is not reached, we will not have access to the funds, and participating contributors will get a full refund. This measure protects the contributors from fraud and eliminates the need for an escrow.

  2. We are against uncapped ICOs because we believe the company should raise the amount of money it needs to accomplish the goals from the roadmap. Furthermore, uncapped ICOs turned out to be harmful for the tokenized economy, often driven by greed and taken advantage of by hype.

  3. 30% of all raised funds in our crowdsale above soft cap will be donated for charity purposes.


• Total number of generated CHR tokens: 200.000.000

• 60% of tokens will be sold in the ICO

• SOFT CAP / minimal goal: 3.000* ETH

• HARD CAP: 12.000* ETH

• Date of crowdsale start: TBA

• Date of crowdsale end: 21 days or until hard cap is reached

• Token distribution date: up to 7 days after ICO ends



Tokens reserved: 42.000.000 CHR CAP: 3.000 ETH


Tokens reserved: Unsold POCB Tokens

CAP: 3.000 ETH — POCB


Tokens reserved: 78.000.000 CHR

CAP: 12.000 ETH — SOFT CAP

(1 ETH = * CHR) * The conversion rate beetween CHR and ETH will be announced 24h before the Token Sale.

60% of tokens will be sold in the token sale. The distribution of Ether raised will be used as follows:

• 50% development

• 25% marketing

• 20% company operations and exchanges

• 5% legal

The other 40% of tokens will be distributed as follows:

• 12% of tokens will be held by project founders

• 9% of tokens will be held by the rest of the team that helped bring the project to life with their hard work and dedication

• 9% will be held for CHERR.IO platform contribution awards

• 6% of tokens will be awarded to our advisors and ambassadors that helped the project with their knowledge and expertise

4% of tokens will be reserved for future partners who will join the project at a later stage

for information visit the whitepaper :
and website:
|ANN thread:

publisher’s details:

Bitcointalk username: hh4mmm

Bitcointalk URL:;u=1213121

Ether Address: 0x6C716B6A1d36C881c43Fa493AacD2609D52E9ce1

publishers name: Harrygh20


For future viewers: price of bitcoin at the moment of posting is 9226.00USD

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