Webercoin - A Platform that Fuels and Rewards Users

in #ethereum6 years ago (edited)

About Webercoin

Webercoin is the token that power the WeberHub platform that allows businesses to advertise their contents very easily than normally other social network platforms allow and also the users can take a close look at those businesses without breaching their privacy and without giving them trouble. The Webercoin platform works as a marketplace that connects businesses to users in a very innovative way and the users will be rewarded for engaging on the platform. The Webercoin platform creates an environment where businesses can show their products and services to a wide range of audience with ease and the users will have the right to choose what service or business they want to see.

This project will give the solutions for the below problems that the current system is having. I will give you the current problems and the solutions with the Webercoin platform.

  • A large percentage of the small scale of businesses fails if they have not an effective advertising method –

This is a major problem that the majority of the small size of businesses faces. With the Webercoin platform now they have a solution for that. When the business owners place their ads on the platform they will be rewarded for doing that. Also, the users have the chances to earn rewards for rating and recommending the businesses to others.

  • The problems with high advertising costs on other platforms –

The fees for placing ads on the Webercoin platform are considerably low. Also, the clients will be rewarded in return for using the platform. By that way, the clients have the chances to earn back what they have paid as the ads fee.

  • The possibilities of hacking identity and the security issues -

This is a major issue that all the industry faces recently. As the Webercoin uses the Blockchain technology, the security level is very high and the transparency is a native feature of the Blockchain technology. Being built on Ethereum based secure platform the security is very high and the users don't want to worry about any kind of data losses or identity theft.

ICO and Token details

The Webercoin Token called "WBC" allows the users to enter into the platform and making the process simple for the users to adopt the system. This token is being used to reward both businesses and users giving them chance to earn tokens by rating the businesses and doing other activities related to the platform. Also, the token will be used to collect the advertising revenue.


Unlike the other platforms that allow clients to post ads, the Webercoin offers a Blockchain based transparent system to fulfill the needs of both the businesses and the users. Businesses can reach the clients in a very effective way with lower fees and have the chance to gain the maximum results for what they pay for advertising on the platform while giving them the chance to keep a better relationship with the clients. Also, the users will have the chance to access a wide range of products and services that only they want to see and they will have the chance to earn points by rating and recommending businesses for other. That is how the Webercoin platform works.

Project related links

Authors details
Telegram: @jayezine

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63665.23
ETH 2621.19
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.77