Ethereum social news alert — December 11th, 2017, 10:20

Ether right now • r/ethtrader
24 points and 4 comments so far on reddit
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The Bitcoin Bonanza
Bitcoin has had a historic run.The time to buy was the breakout of the downtrend in 2015 and close above 300.Fear and Greed are the two most powerful market forces.Investing vs Speculating in a Boom/B
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Bitcoin will peak at $60,000 - and then crash: 10 outrageous predictions for 2018
Bitcoin will peak above $60,000 in 2018 before crashing to its fundamental “production cost” of $1,000 the following year, says Saxo Bank, which has published its annual list of "outrageous predictions" for the year ahead.
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Massive Gains Force Bitcoin Futures Trading to be Halted Twice in Quick Succession
Even though people don't buy BTC directly, the Bitcoin futures contracts will force a big shift in holdings for a lot of people.
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Binance is Selected as The First Exchange to List CND - Bitcoin Network, News, Charts, Guides & Analysis
Binance, the world’s leading and fastest growing cryptocurrency exchange is the first officially acknowledged exchange approved by the Cindicator team […]
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Is this cloud site a scam or safe? • r/ethereum
This is the site in question: Someone mentioned this site on here that you can mine (slowly) Ethereum at a starting level for...
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Why are there not more surveys on carbonvote? • r/ethereum
Right now it's still the survey about EIP186. Would be nice if there would be surveys more frequently to get a better feeling of how the community...
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Massive Gains Force Bitcoin Futures Trading to be Halted Twice in Quick Succession
Even though people don't buy BTC directly, the Bitcoin futures contracts will force a big shift in holdings for a lot of people.
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Litecoin Creator: Fiat is to Gold as Lightning is to Bitcoin | Bitconnect
Litecoin Creator: Fiat is to Gold as Lightning is to Bitcoin
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Differences Between CBOE and CME Futures Contracts (Simplified) • r/Bitcoin
**Bitcoin Futures Example** - You buy 1 CBOE Bitcoin Futures Contract (March 2017) for $15,000. You need $6,600 (44% margin) in an account to...
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