BIZpaye — The New Crypto Future Platform

in #ethereum5 years ago

BIZpaye CRYPTO has the opportunity to increase the effectiveness of exchanges through its best services, namely traders in tokens. make every user the opportunity to add to the crypto value of BIZpaye.
BIZpaye CRYPTO is also often referred to as the barter trade industry and is already international. on confirmation BIZpaye CRYPTO has operated in 12 countries, providing their best service platform with an efficient blockchain system for users and traders worldwide. The success of BIZpaye CRYPTO with their developing system will make the biggest crypto trade in the world until now. all parties involved will benefit from this BIZpaye CRYPTO Platform, adding value to CRYPTO BIZpaye makes it more attractive to Crypto users worldwide.

This exchange facilitates virtual transactions such as banks (barter) in B2B and B2C market environments using online software records. Modern Barter Exchange, in this case, makes it a large non-profit company, besides being helped with the benefits of decentralization and centralization, making this BIZpaye CRYPTO platform an environmentally friendly trade exchange in the crypto world.

Marketplace of Bizpaye
In a recent market release, the World Bank estimated that the annual global market value of non-fiat transactions, i.e.
barter or other types of transactions is worth almost $23 Billion dollars per year and growing. In fact, looking at the
World Bank figures from 1980 (US$10 Billion Barter Transactions) to 2016 there has been a 130% increase in recorded
barter transactions globally. Giving evidence that the Barter Industry continues to grow in volume where other more
traditional fiat-based sectors continue to shrink.
It is widely believed that these figures only scratch the surface when it comes to non-fiat transactions, as it only
considers commercially or politically recorded transactions, and bypasses a more defined and robust offline range of
transactions that take place within the general community.
The figures suggested by the World Bank do not also take into account other massive non-fiat sectors such as the
ever-growing Coupon market, estimated to be worth more than US$46 Billion worldwide in 2016 with big players
such as Groupon, Couponomy and even a more recent Crypto market entrant “Hotoken”.

A huge valuation of this $23 Billion dollar a year market segment relies mostly on traditional peer-to-peer recording
of trades or transactions, using either manual bookkeeping, traditional based software’s, political registries or even
through 3rd party record keepers such as barter exchanges.
The current non-fiat barter industry is non-centralized individual recording system, meaning that it relies on many
forms of recordings, relationships and trusts in order to transact. In essence, there is no centralized detrustless
mechanism or platform for this globally spread community of transaction makers.
The launch of the BIZpaye “CRYPTO” Token will offer a Peer-to-Peer network for everyone around the world to interact
buy and sell goods and services, while utilizing the power of 1st and 2nd generation Blockchain. With the usage of
smart contracts and platform backed and supported by the community, trading and doing business across the world
has never been cheaper and easier.
The entire barter trading market is valued at $23 Billion per year but scattered and not unified all over the world.
No global community, currency and transparency. Imagine the global growth and possibilities that the power of the
Blockchain and the BIZpaye “CRYPTO” Token can bring to the world?

Expansion of Existing Crypto Ecommerce Platform(online shopping)
The BIZpaye Crypto project team will seek to grow and expand on the existing BIZpaye Ecommerce platforms where
token holders will have increased options to utilize their tokens for the buying of goods and services. As the number
of BIZpaye country operations increases it is anticipated that the number of merchants, individuals and others using
the BIZpaye ecosystem to buy and sell goods and services should also increase.
Even prior to the launch of the BIZpaye Token, BIZpaye has shown to the market that it has and can grow globally
through both internal developments and through Partnerships and Joint Ventures with 3rd parties that provide
enhancements to the BIZpaye ecosystem.

Bizpaye Crypto Merchant program
Post Launch, the BIZpaye Team will focus on maintaining the growth and loyalty of Merchants who will accept BIZpaye
Tokens as payment or part payment for Goods and Services they sell within their business, to ensure the Ecosystem
remains vibrant and active.
The BIZpaye Merchant Rewards Program will be the first ever Crypto Merchant Rewards Program of its kind, aimed
at maintaining positive growth of Merchants joining BIZpaye Crypto, whilst stimulating their willingness to accept
BIZpaye CRYPTO as payment or part payment for Goods and Services.
BIZpaye will set aside 250,000,000 BIZpaye Tokens at the time of launch to be used as the Merchant Rewards Fund.
BIZpaye will appoint a Board to manage and oversee the application of the Merchant Rewards Fund to ensure that the
Fund is ethically and professionally managed in the interests of our Merchants who are accepting BIZpaye CRYPTO
as payment.
The Board will consist of persons from the core BIZpaye Team and selected BIZpaye Merchants, to help oversee the
professional and ethical operation of the Fund.
How Will The BIZpaye Merchant Rewards Program Work?
• Firstly, a Merchant must have a BIZpaye Account and must accept BIZpaye Crypto Tokens to be eligible for the
rewards program.
• The Merchant Rewards Program will be Free to Join and carries no monthly fee for the participating Merchants.
• Participating Merchants will be encouraged to sell their goods and services within the BIZpaye Ecosystem using
BIZpaye CRYPTO as the main form of currency, but transactions can be mixed

Barter Credit of Bizpaye Crypto
In the modern barter trading industry in this big package of Fiat off-line non-established industry trade, continues to work for about 50 years. function and location, both centralized and decentralized organizations, the so-called aid trade exchange. The transaction is to facilitate the use of online applications noted B2B and B2C market environment the Bank Class A digital transaction (barter). For the purposes of trade in products and services, all of which take advantage of the currency exchange trading in a non-local network called “barter credits” as an accounting device used to record the value of barter payments.

The money was introduced, in order to adapt to the professional workforce. Specialization of labor problem is that not everyone has to do what they need to do, we use the wind to make it work just to allow them to participate in the market so that they can be in the money. But if I really could do what I want, who want what I already have a private limited? Blockchain makes it feasible to egg you change any of the poultry farms of my belongings. It is not practical to barter absolutely everything, because we can not because we do not. However, in a limited range of forest for the trees not only possible, but it also happened at this time. This setting is set to retail sudden because four of these changes combine to create the right atmosphere successful barter.

Advantages from the Bizpaye Platform
It is safe to say that BIZpaye has no restrictions, as by means of this platform you will be able to exchange both ordinary goods and real estate, cars and many other items or luxury goods. It all depends on your conscious choice, where you decide what and what you want to exchange. It is important to cancel that due to decentralization and transparent accounting system, each user of BIZpaye platform will have its own rating and honest evaluation system, which it will develop only through successful barter exchanges. So here BIZpaye in some degree excluded such extended time as deception. Since it will immediately fix the system, marking the same person that he is a fraud and it is better in the future to have nothing to do with him. What I think is very convenient, given the modern mentality of people where everyone is looking for benefits only for themselves and not always he achieves it honestly.

BIZpaye ‘CRYPTO’ — What is all the excitement about?
Many people have asked ‘why is everybody so excited about “BIZpayeCRYPTO”? which is both encouraging when we look at the number of people asking and surprising when a simple review of the company, the industry that it is in, the trading history and its future projections really provide the answer.

However, some important insights into the company, the project and of course, the future may provide clarity and show why there has been an enthusiastic response and exceptional take up of the current offering.

The ‘trade’ or ‘barter’ industry within which BIZpaye operates, is a widely accepted system of exchange where participants in a transaction directly exchange goods or services for other goods or services without using a medium of exchange, such as money. Referred to as the ‘Exploding Business of Bartering’ in a Harvard Business Review, this is an International multibillion dollar industry and, within this industry, ‘Bizpaye’ has experienced exceptional growth and expansion having organically grown to 12 countries in just 5 years. With new countries and franchises opening over the coming months, BIZpaye represents an outstanding success story and provides a solid foundation on which to build a Crypto asset.

On the back of this success and coupled with the entry into the ever growing world of the Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies, ‘BIZpaye CRYPTO’ will become the 4th currency available to current and future BIZpaye Merchants. This will not only will provide normal business owners more scope in their quest to save money through the BIZpaye services whilst continuing to enjoy increased sales but will also make BIZpaye an even more attractive proposition to merchants worldwide — all of which will add value to ‘BIZpaye CRYPTO’ to the benefit of all those people with the foresight to get involved at this early stage of the venture.

With current & future Blockchain technologies enhancing the transaction experience for BIZpaye members & merchants alike, they will also be able to barter their goods & services through BIZpaye to purchase tokens meaning that the world of ‘Barter’ is opening up to the incredible world of Cryptocurrencies. BIZpaye CRYPTO will bring to the Blockchain a real world marketplace with 1000’s active merchants with all the future possibilities that this represents.

Finally, in summary, the often asked hidden question is why is the BIZpaye CRYPTO token unique and why are people getting involved?

To answer this first we need to look at the focus of the business which is on ‘merchant growth’. This is an important factor as most tokens focus efforts towards stimulating ‘token holder’ use only however, BIZpaye focuses on stimulating merchants ‘to accept’ tokens therefore, with an existing & growing list of merchants who accept these tokens, consumer token holders will organically transact through increased opportunities adding value to BIZpaye CRYPTO token.

Secondly, there is ’Pre-Token Purchase’ trust. With active marketplaces already in place where products are bought & sold every day together with a constant stream of new products that will come online daily for token holders to buy using BIZpaye CRYPTO, many new merchants will join the network all driving the value higher.

Finally, BIZpaye CRYPTO — with its unique token name of ‘CRYPTO’, the generic name used throughout for tokens and coins providing instant ‘name recognition’- is the world’s first barter industry token and, being world’s first barter industry token provides Members and consumers alike with a ‘first mover advantage’ where new merchants can sell excess products to other BIZpaye members & get paid in BIZpaye barter credits and most importantly, use those barter credits to purchase BIZpaye CRYPTO tokens.

Why Must You Choice BIZpaye Platform?
Compared to other platforms. BIZpaye CRYPTO is superior to its adaptation platform, has a team of experts in every field needed, setting difficult ranking standards to compete with other platforms. developing its business for more than 5 years organically and structured. BIZpaye CRYPTO always offers benefits that make traders work with this platform, including the constant growth of trade exchanges.

BIZpaye has many benefits obtained from the use of merchant trade exchanges. they also always transact and developing a multi-currency system in BIZpaye platform, provide more facilities than a genius digital currency to exchange and also environmentally friendly for users with a fast value.

By implementing the BIZpaye CRYPTO Token and using global reach, effective on the BIZpaye network is a big advantage in the project of the Crypto BIZpaye platform. “CRYPTO” BIZpaye Tokens and technology will offer businesses at all new levels, give value to trade with a higher increase and already provide ecosystems to the market and fulfill sales of Unsold Backup Capacity.

Bizpaye problem solving method
BIZpaye barter company has been working for some time, the encryption solution now, it will mark his own money added to barter. I believe BIZpaye barter market will be the first company to add the token encrypted in the world for their business.

BIZpaye is a combination of enterprise technology partners, such as Global Forex Trading System, Bartervana, Runasis, etc., our goal has always been to use as a traditional offline and online platforms and systems to help keep work in BIZpaye the forefront of the development of the technology industry and the expansion of trade and transactions praise. With the arrival of BIZpaye move towards Blockchain, I saw an opportunity to improve the experience of two businessmen and trading systems is almost unlimited, safer, more transparent ofBlockchain technical adaptation results.

TOKEN DETAILS of Bizpaye Crypto
Name of Token: BIZpaye Crypto
Symbol of Trading Tokens: CRYPTO
Token type: ERC-20
Minted Token: 1,000,000,000
Decimal Token: 18
Outstanding Token: 44,810,560 (Last Report April 15, 2019)
Token Address: 0x7875bAfc5d63Fa035DeA0809c2a57A382d772903

#BIZpaye #Ecommerce #Marketplace #blockchain #crypto



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