Crypto Crash... And Vitalik Buterin Death Hoax Brings To Light Risks In Ethereum

in #ethereum7 years ago

Both Ed Bugos and I have been telling subscribers to take profits on the cryptocurrencies in the last few weeks as we felt they were well overbought.

I’ve even made mention of it in public numerous times and did so again in this most recent interview I did with World Alternative Media on June 23rd.

In that interview I warned that “Ethereum has a lot of problems” and Ethereum has since fallen more than $100.

It wasn’t the only one though. Of all the cryptocurrencies in the top 50 everything was deeply in the red. Only one had a minor 0.17% gain today. Something called MCAP, whatever the hell that is.

I like Ethereum a lot… and even recommended it to subscribers in 2016 at $2. But felt it had gone too high, too quickly considering some of the issues with it.

Like, for example, that Ethereum’s future still rests on a relatively small number of people.

The creator of bitcoin is Satoshi Nakamoto and it is still unknown who he really is. But, it isn’t important, because bitcoin is open source code and there are now hundreds of coders who work on the bitcoin code. So, there isn’t any particular person who could have problems and cause problems for bitcoin.

The same can’t be said for Ethereum. Or, at least the market thinks so.

While there are a few key people involved in Ethereum the market really sees just one man as being the man who makes things happen, Vitalik Buterin. This comes despite the fact that many believe it was actually a former Microsoft research scientist named Gavin Wood who wrote “100% of the code” for the currency, according to an early investor in both Ethereum and bitcoin, Brock Pierce.

And we saw just how important the market considers him when Ethereum sold off by a large amount on the rumor that Vitalik Buterin was killed in a car accident.

The news of Vitalik’s supposed death appeared on 4chan’s /biz/ thread at 4:30PM EST on 25th June. The poster cited another post on a Slack channel. Although the header read “Vitalik Buterin confirmed dead” the post provided zero evidence nor links.

Vitalik lives in Singapore and when this all happened it was of course still quite early in the morning in Southeast Asia, which allowed for rumors to brew for several hour before a response came from Vitalik indicating that he was still in fact alive. To prove that he hadn’t died he took this time stamp with the most recent ETH block:

He was looking a little rough though. Maybe a few dozen less Red Bulls per day, Vitalik.

Nevertheless, this ordeal still resulted in a panic selloff which probably wasn’t helped by last week’s incident with heavy network congestion and two ICOs that resulted in massive volatility and a major sell order of (96,100 ETH) on the GDAX exchange which triggered stop-loss orders and margin positions and resulted in a flash crash which momentarily caused the value of Ethereum to plummet as low as $0.10!

While things like this can happen from time to time it does beg the question about just how liquid the ETH market is and if it can withstand a major selloff without falling from $400 to $0.10 in a few seconds!

An additional incident that really caused skepticism among Ethereum investors was the DAO hack. DAO stands for “Decentralized Autonomous Organization” and it was meant to operate like a venture capital crowd fund, however, a flaw in the platform which was built over the Ethereum network allowed a hacker to siphon nearly $70 million worth of tokens out of the fund.

While this was not a problem inherent in the framework of Ethereum itself, it still added a “guilty by association” shroud of skepticism to the currency.

In light of this problem with the DAO application built on top of the Ethereum network, the Ethereum community quickly began coming up with solutions. Ultimately, they decided upon a fork. At first, in an effort to prevent the hacker from cashing in the Ether from his child DAO after the standard 28 days, it was voted that a soft-fork would be introduced. However, several hours before it was supposed to be utilized, several members of the community found a bug with the implementation that could open a denial-of-service attack vector.

Thus, alternatively, a hard fork was ultimately agreed upon by 89% of the community to be the next best solution and consequently Ethereum Classic was born which is why we have two Ethereum currencies many know of today.

But, this fork was more or less decided upon by Vitalik Buterin himself, showing just how centralized the currency is… which is another reason to have some concern about it.

With all the upside Ethereum saw before these two most recent panics, ETH was bound to have a major correction one way or another. Just look at the growth it has had over the past two years:

If there is any other asset in the world that has even come close to Ethereum’s gains in the last two years I haven’t heard about it.

In fact, the entire cryptocurrency space was badly in need of a pullback. It’s just healthy after such massive gains.

This week we’ll be releasing our June issue of The Dollar Vigilante newsletter to subscribers. We told them to take profits on cryptocurrencies over the last few weeks and many will be wondering at what price we think may be a good time to buy back in.

If you’d like to get access to that information, click HERE.

If you’ve yet to get into cryptocurrencies then this is the pullback you have been waiting for. If you still want to learn more check out my free 4 video webinar which tells of the importance of cryptocurrencies and even offers to send you your first $50 in bitcoin if you accept our offer.

You can check that out HERE.

This isn’t the end for cryptocurrencies. It’s just a very healthy pullback after a massive runup. Vitalik isn’t dead and cryptos aren’t either.

Stay tuned here at The Dollar Vigilante, where we have been covering the cryptospace unlike any other since 2011.


I think Ether is decentralized enough to survive the developer death.

I think the biggest risk for Ethereum is inferior computing power

I also agree. Ethereum is a platform that many other things are built upon. It is not just a currency like most others being traded in the exchanges, are.

Yeah I second you

People criticize Dan for walking away from Bitshares and Steemit... but could VB walk from ETH? What would happen? A single rumor about VB's death tanked ETH, whereas BTS and STEEM are thriving, self-sustaining decentralized organizations that are growing without a single leader. If Dan can do the same with smart contracts via EOS, ETH is dead and buried.

then again: ETH may tank not because of those rumours but as a part of the plan.
Say you're big whale, wanna push ETH price down. So you spread rumour + make a biggish sale and the ball is rolling down the hill. Then you wait a bit when there is more sale, some start to panic, and then you buy.
Profit :-)

Cryptocurrency is still at its infancy, with great potential and inherent risks. This kind pull back is health. The real danger is the ICO frenzy - looks like bubble to me. Regardless We are early adapters and way ahead of the curve. Look at the long term...

The equation that ICO marketers use is simple: ROI/time=profitability.

There are many who have made a lot of money in crypto, and many more will make a lot of money as well. The next phase of this is commercialization, where the term ICO is familiar but exciting.

Long term wealth accumulation is what a day job is for. Instant wealth accumulation are subject to the formula above, and usually have the interest of the initiators for as long as they are still making the most amount of money with the smallest investment of time.

ICO frenzy is a result of band wagon effect, there is this rush to make a quick one from each initial investment.

Wow! Rumors of Vitalik being dead while he was well and asleep in another time zone sure has been a major troll move.

Dont forget, EOS needs ethereum to run on it :-)

EOS is only using ethereum for the ICO..

Right here. That post states that "Consensus The Blockchain shall use Delegated Proof of Stake Consensus (DPoS) algorithm in combination with Transactions as Proof of Stake (TaPoS)." Does that sound like it will run on Ethereum, which is developing Casper for a PoS consensus mechanism?

you obviously "ARE" blockchainguru if you post this :-D

Well put.... I've been looking into EOS all day :-D

yes i see the future and it likely to be steem and eos - best to be involved

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He probably is dead and they have inserted a double to control Ether all the way, im really glad that Bitcoin does not and will never have that problem. What a great invention.

LOL, followed.

Followed too!

In time, more distributed open source blockchain will emerge for DAO's without centralization on an individual.

ETH Classic is looking stable hope they keep developing it. Making it open source would be good too.

I think ETC is the next big thing in cryptoworld

I agree to this. And like @jeesto said, I hope they will keep developing it.

I like Ethereum Classic too, but they need to improve on their official website to convince other investors to dip their money in. Right now only the crypto world knows about them.

Follow me @Yehey
Thank you.

Remember Ethereum is the development blockchain and Ether is the means to fund raising, I do not have much faith in ether as soon as metropolis update pushes and a hard fork is created and new icos's start using that platform ether (Eth) may drop dramatically. Ethereum platform will have waves as more hard forks are created and more updates are pushed to solve the day to day problems ethereum has with scaling issues.

I think this is the best time for investors to any coin they want at cheaper rate.

can you share some link to that?

Sorry, I saw it on my discord channel, same pics that are here on this blog.

I saw the value tank, and then a bunch of posts about it ..... crazy

shoutout to NEO (Antshares), first thing I think of when I see Matrix memes now.

One meme to rule them all. FOLLOW baby.
Did you see my tech analysis on the Antshares support today?
leme kno.
what you saying then.


Or even better - hold Bitcoin and use real gold as a hedge #krugerrand 😘

Gold, Bitcoin, Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate, Art...

PMs. BTC, ETH and LTC. Diversified.

Dam , who ever pulled of this sure would have made a packet

Always love your posts Jeff!!

these are crazy crazy times

Really crazy times. crypto was really a mess yesterday. I started 10 days ago on steemit. I see you have a lot of steem power. Can I ask you how did you build this? Did you invest in steem? Or just by using the platform? Thx up front

I invested. I just started a few weeks ago, new to steemit as well. I believe its a good investment with a really strong community and an actual chance at hitting somewhat mainstream.

Thx, so you bought steem and powered up to steam Power? Does this mean you will keep the investement and use the steem power for voting? The only risk you have is hat steem price goes down when you bought it. But when you have it you can upvote daily. And you willnot loose your steem power in $.

yes, thats what I did. You're right, I bought steem around $2 and now its at $1.62 so.. and I think it will go as low as $1.15-1.3 before aug 1st. We've lost about 21 billion in crypto currency in the last week and its due to the soft/hard fork about to happen to bitcoin. Buy as much as you can before the 1st as it will rebound

Do you buy Steem or Steem Dollars?

SO you think the bitcoin hard fork will make the bitcoin more valuable? I mean it's 2300 -2500, you recommend to buy right now or wait till the panic?

Blockchain's USP is decentralisation.
No one (or govt) can cut off its head because there isn't one.
If this isn't the case, then a weakness exists.
Same goes for figureheads that embody the crypto they evangelise.

Decentralisation is power.

It's literally power to the people.

Nice post! thanks!

BTS ist the Best Crypto

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