Gods Unchained - The Unboxing - Part 1

in #ethereum6 years ago

I first heard about Gods Unchained via an article than mentioned the game was receiving some funding from Coinbase ventures. This piqued my interest and I visited the website (https://www.godsunchained.com/) to find a new Ethereum based collectible game similar to Hearthstone.

(Note: If you find this article useful and decide to buy into the game, please consider using my referral link - https://godsunchained.com/?refcode=0x1fD252771bc2dfd38EC774EFEEB3c6Ab7E8E535B)

I'm not familiar with Hearthstone myself. But, I am a sucker for Collectible Card Games. I spent more than my share of time playing MTG back in the day, as well as a host of other CCGs that flooded the gaming shops in the 90s.

For those who want a rundown of the game mechanics check out NewMeta27's post here - https://medium.com/@newmeta27/gods-unchained-a-hearthstone-players-guide-bd89b37fdc5c

This game is rapidly rising up in popular Dapps - https://dappradar.com/ and has the potential to be a big hit. With the added bonus that all cards in this initial release will not be available in the future, I was sold on buying in.

For my initial foray into the game, I opted to purchase 1 legendary pack, and 6 rare packs. It took a few minutes for my transactions to complete (Admittedly, I did lower the suggested gas prices based on data from https://ethgasstation.info/). But once my cards arrived, I went to the temple and opened my packs, being greeted with a storm of magic as a prelude to the reveals (the opening animations are cool, but I would imagine they get tiresome for those doing it repeatedly)!


First up is the Legendary set. Eagerly unwrapping my cards, I find Ares' Eruption, a rare attack card with some nice artwork of a volcano blasting fire and lava into the air. The next a common card, Laerte's Vendetta, an effect that plays off the strength of your opponent.

On the 3rd unwrap I found my Legendary, the Avatar of Death.

The pack rounded out with a common creature as well as an additional Rare!


Next up, my first Rare pack, started off nicely, with a Common card, the Pocket Channeler, but sporting a Shadow shine (5% chance of appearing on any card. Shine can also be created by combining 5 of the non-shiny versions of this card). Two more commons, another copy of Ares' Eruption (are the Gods trying to tell me something?) and an Epic! A… pregnant… chicken? Hmmm. I guess the Gods work in mysterious ways sometimes!

My second Rare pack was interesting as well . A handful of Common cards, including a weapon (which can be equipped by your God) and my guaranteed Rare was instead an Epic - a Bucking Bronco, which seems slightly more exciting than an Expectant Chicken. It has a Roar effect, which is applied as soon as the card is brought into play.
Two of my common cards were creatures, with the last being a nice one-off attack.

Third pack was a standard Rare pack. The Rare was a Trojan Golem, a sacrificial creature than provides a little extra defense after it dies. Another copy of the Hurl Weapon, two creatures and an effect spell rounded out the Common cards.
One of the cards states mentions targeting an Anubian. Not sure what makes a creature an Anubian.

Fourth pack. Same distribution as the third. My Rare this time being a good old fashioned mugging! The text on the mugging card looks a little strange though, with the 3 and the 2/2 blending together in an unfortunate manner. Three creatures again. This seems to be a very creature-heavy game

Fifth pack resembled the third. Four Commons and a Rare, the Scarab Swarm. Four out of five cards were creatures with this pack. And now we Amazons in addition to Anubians!
Along with Ares' Eruption, A Real Man became a common find for me.

Here, on my final Rare pack, at least I got a Shadow Common in addition to my Rare.

Here is my distribution for this first round of pack purchases. I'll followup with additional results (though perhaps summarized a bit, since I purchased an 18 pack of Rares!) if anyone is interested.

Total Cards: 35
Legendary: 1 - (1 guaranteed)
Epic: 3
Rare: 6 - (6 guaranteed)
Common: 25
Shadow: 2


Gods Unchained Closed Beta gameplay released

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