A Cross Chain Atomic Swap ExchangesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #ethereum6 years ago (edited)

Problems with most Exchanges

Current exchanges require users to deposit funds in order to perform trades. These kinds of exchanges are irresistible targets for malicious actors. There have been various exchanges that to date have been hacked not just by savvy individuals but corrupt nations looking to make easy money. An exchange is tasked with providing security against all kinds of attacks.

Exchanges not only have to prepare for attacks that most are familiar with but they must anticipate any future kind of attack. Providing such high level of security is a daunting task. This is further complicated by the centralized nature of exchanges.

The Trend Setter stands out from other exchanges by providing cross chain atomic swaps.
This is a unique feature. There are some exchanges that offer atomic swaps but only on the Ethereum network. This means you can only trade Ethereum tokens on their platform.
Cross chain atomic swaps makes it possible for people to trade different kinds of cryptocurrency not just Ethereum tokens. Providing more than just Ether tokens makes cryptocurrency portfolio far more diverse than other platforms.

Since users do not have to deposit any funds into the exchange but use the blockchain it is highly secure platform. This does not mean by any means that the platforms speed is effected for it runs centralized order books which provide high transactions speeds. The software that has developed incorporates the Lightning Network, Rootstock, and Tublebit which is what makes cross chain atomic swaps possible.

Innovative Protocols is a far faster, secure, and effective way to trade cryptocurrencies. Atomic swaps are made possible through payment channels.

Raiden is a technology that provides fast transactions off chain for Ethereum.

The Lightning network can be implemented for Bitcoin and Litecoin since the code is similar. Currently the Lightning network has been implemented for Bitcoin. It will be used to settle trades on

Tumblebit is capable of handling any cryptocurrency that has similar code to Bitcoin which makes it possible for Tumblebit to create side chains for multiple cryptocurrencies.

RSK Sidechains is a cross chain protocol. It makes it possible to transfer Bitcoins from one blockchain to another by locking the amount of Bitcoins that are going to be traded on the Bitcoin blockchain till the transaction is settled on the other cryptocurrencies blockchain.

Once the trader receives their cryptocurrency the Bitcoins are released as payment for the transaction. This can also take place in reverse from other cryptocurrency blockchains to the Bitcoin blockchain.

Prepard for Any Challenge

There are various forces that have started to target cryptocurrency exchanges. Exchanges must comply with the demands of regulators in order to operate indefinitely. will comply with all current and future EU regulations insuring that this exchange will be able to operate without angering law makers.

Exciting Platform

Independent auditors will examine accounting records in order to ensure the integrity of assets.

Traders on that want to trade but are low on funds can borrow funds from lenders. Lenders are able to set interest rates using an order book that monitors supply and demand data in order to maximize profits from lending to traders.

Users also have the option to get loans from In order to accomplish this cryptocurrency funds have been allocated for this purpose. Traders will be able to short or long a cryptocurrency on the platform using lent coins. This is an excellent feature of

An ICO Launch Pad

Companies can consult with in order to launch their ICO project. Companies will be provided with marketing campaigns.

They will also work with finance professionals in order to create a good financial plan for the ICO. Companies will also be provided with legal consultation in order to keep the ICO fully compliant with regulations. will not provide consultation for just any ICO for companies must meet high standards in order to be eligible.

The ICO must have a hard cap and some purpose which gives it the potential to thrive in the market.

An actual product must not only exist but be of high quality. The company must be credible with an experienced team.

Most importantly of all the project must be legal.

Paymium Initial Coin Offering!

Traders on can exchange fiat for Bitcoin through Paymium. Users can also sell cryptocurrency in order to deposit their profits into their bank accounts for daily use.
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Paymium is the parent company of and is launching an ICO in order to provide liquidity for

BCIO is the utility token that will operate on the platform providing security and speed.

BCIO holders have access to privileged services that they are able to be use on the exchange.
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BCIO holders will be able to be part of surveys. Users that hold tokens will be rewarded for doing so.

Users will also receive discounts on trades performed on the platform. The BCIO token is backed by Paymium which is a company with a proven track record.

This sets apart BCIO from any other token. The crowdsale will begin on September 27,2018 and end when the hard cap is reached or on October 25, 2018. Distribution will start on December.

If there are any unsold tokens they will be burned and not used to inflate the currency. Crowdsale participants will receive a 5% bonus.

Participants can receive an additional 5% when they buy the minimum buy in of 100 or more Euros worth of tokens using the referral code: emwinVWrVCzugXiWVP3z. To buy BCIO during the sale you must use Ether or Bitcoin. has innovative solutions to many problems that are currently facing exchanges making BCIO an excellent investment opportunity.
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Social Media

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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62892.68
ETH 2581.23
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.73