WatchUGot : A Disrupting Fundraising Platform of social-networking application based on Ethereum a true dapp

in #ethereum5 years ago


Blockchain is the innovation since a long time ago guaranteed to upset the money related world and, alongside it, startup financing. It has generally been fixing to Bitcoin, a digital money which is considered "strange" for most by far. In any case, it has stretched out from Bitcoin as another (and increasingly secure) technique for account money related exchanges and notwithstanding financing contracts.

Consider it along these lines.

Blockchain is essentially an alternate type of chronicle exchanges. Generally, exchanges are kept on records (presently advanced) and held stealthily by money related organizations and even normal crowdfunding executives. The memberies of an exchange approach their very own record (for example their own financial balance exchanges and parities) however not to whatever other exchanges that may occur.

Blockchain, then again, is an "open" record for all who take an interest in exchanges. Every exchange is entered as it happens and turns into a piece of a "hinder" of exchanges finished inside a set timeframe. These exchanges are recorded for all time and can't be modified once recorded. The whole history of exchanges is kept up in a "chain," and this can never be adjusted or altered.

What blockchain does is wipe out the mediator in money related exchanges, for example, a bank and its accountant who hold the records for themselves. Would transactions be able to be changed or adjusted? Indeed, obviously, in spite of the fact that this is uncommon. All things considered, programmers have been known to do as such.

In total, blockchain records have the accompanying attributes:

They are freely shared.

They are "decentralized," in that no single specialist must endorse and check the exchanges.

They are secure, on the grounds that records can't be changed, and they are shared among all members.

They are computerized, so that there is zero chance of copying or clashing exchanges consistently happening.

WatchUGot is an Ethereum based long range interpersonal communication application that gives clients the apparatuses and platform to create network fundraisingcampaigns. We joined the crowdfunding segments of GoFundMe with the social members of Facebook and Instagram on a blockchain. WatchUGot enables clients to make and take an interest in fundraising activities for important causes, while being remunerated with genuine money esteem as our WUG tokens.

The errand of fusing and offering pay to move charitable duty is overpowering and requires skilled fashioners and an adjustment course of action of high utilitarian motivating force to keep up monetary reasonableness.

WatchUGot and WUG tokens give such a structure, by joining portions of our legacy structure and applying a tokenized inspiration show with virtual, physical and non-fungible stock (distinguishing pieces of proof/things) to direct give organize individuals and helpful affiliations.

WatchUGot is a blockchain-based social challenge organize that supports arrange working through social charity exercises and prizes individuals as replaceable advanced cash capital.

(Picture not appeared at low appraisals)


To develop a phase that would give clients the clients to make arrange driven magnanimity exercises to benefit incredible inspirations. We in like manner endeavor to give introduction through social care campaigns and show arrange people through the quick and practical employments of blockchain based headways.

Furthermore, we were pushed by the wonder of viral-challenges and allowed to show a novel technique and fun thing to propel arrange driven, charitable exercises. Our application is planned to empower comprehensive use and compliancy for all business areas, with desires for moving charity and good care towards the favorable position shockingly.


Non-fungible Token (ERC-712) - Tokens related with mint-competent, uncommon things (distinguishing pieces of proof/virtual stock) allowed to clients for completing troubles, achieving positions and for headways. Tokens are freely astounding, go in inconsistency (for example typical, surprising, exceptional, very extraordinary) and can be received in kind for FIAT (USD/EURO) money related norms, WUG, or RIVL Tokens.

WUG Token (ERC-20) - The basic money for WatchUGot, allowed for climax of goals, bolstered troubles, achievements and extraordinary collaboration. Replaceable for other crypto/FIAT money related structures and what's more checks out helper markets. WUG-Tokens can in like manner be exchanged for stand-out, non-fungible items (phenomenal things, recognizable pieces of proof) moreover redeemable for physical things (shirts, clothing, blessing vouchers and that's just the beginning) in qualified markets (crypto-exchanges).

RIVL Token (ERC-223) - An inflationary, to the WUG token. RIVL Challenge tokens are allowed identified with WUG tokens for completion of events, assignments and administrative exercises (New-User Registration, friend referral, upvotes, etc.) Used as an air-droppable token that keeps up no cash regard and can be gotten/talented by methods for in-application shipper portion and exchanged for select lower-level (typical/uncommon) non-fungible things.


WUG was arranged with the plan to update the customer's association by giving vital regard and compensating clients for dynamic intrigue.

Qualified clients can purchase WUG and RIVL tokens explicitly from the WatchUGot store or get them as compensations for errand completing and organize development venture. Clients may exchange their tokens for cash regard, crypto, virtual/physical stock in our store, or give them direct to selfless foundations.

The Ethereum (ERC-20) WUG token is the official coin for use with the WatchUGot store and diversion condition. WUG is the basic, neighborhood cash for virtual and physical things exchanged on the WatchUGot application. It is moreover the membericular cash for blessings made toward charitable causes and the fundamental token redeemable for cash regard.

We purchase in to the thinking, "It's not the sum we give, yet rather how much love we put into giving" - Mother Teresa. Along these lines, WUG tokens give a medium and financial motivating force for endowments to generous causes and keep up a retail go up against regard.

We were intrigued with viral exercises like the "Ice can challenge", yet viewed the nonattendance of structure and frailty to explicitly provide for the reason as vital insufficiencies. The WUG token, identified with the WatchUGot arrange

keeps up a key separation from these entanglements by giving a nearby local cash, organize coordinated game plan and administrative oversight that consider philanthropic fights to succeed.

WUG utilizes the revived ERC-20 token arrangement as the generally by and large used utility-standard, got ready for comprehensiveness and joining with helper advertise wallets. Rather than the RIVL token, WUG is open for trade to computerized cash exchanges (like Binance, HitBTC or Huobi) for qualified clients living outside of the US, China and South Korea.



WUG ERC-20 tokens will be issued as an end-result of Ether by methods for smart contract.
Token sale term

Name:WatchUGot (WUG)

Fixed Limit:±7,286,000 USD

(36,200 ETH)

Soft Cap:±785,058 USD

(3,900 ETH)

Exchange:1 ETH = ±1,340 WUG


Min Purchase:0.2 ETH / 268 WUG

Starts:January 4 (12:00 AM)

Ends:March 8 (11:59 PM)

Supply distribution

$0.15 - WUG Retail Value

100 million available

40 million Pre-ICO

60 million Tokens ICO

1 billion Tokens Total

Token distribution

5% Advisors

15% Team

25% Reserve Fund

20% Community Grants

10% ICO Participants

15% Charity Reserve

10% WUG Promotions

Funds allocation

20% Marketing

20% Admin operations

3% Bounties-Audits

17% Charity Grants

15% Development (R&D)

10% Legal

15% Reserve

For additional information visit;


bitcointalk profile:;u=1564898

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 66824.20
ETH 3503.41
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.62