ETHEREUM TO THE MOON? It's future looks bright..

in #ethereum7 years ago



This week on the 8th of August of 2017, Ethereum hit an all new record high of daily transactions. 318,886 separate transactions in a single day, and it out performed Bitcoin by around 50,000 transactions! This is a huge indication that Ethereum is about to begin a gradual yet inevitable price rise from now until the end of the year. Many experts even predict a value of $1000 per Ether by 2018.

Ethereum Transaction Chart


The Backbone technology of Ethereum is in actual fact far more superior to that of Bitcoin. It is more scalable, has faster transaction speeds, it has the ability to have virtually unlimited side chains and contracts running simultaneously, it has by far the most new start up tokens that will be attempting to utilize its blockchain, and there are more major companies and organizations experimenting with Ethereum based technology than any thing else that is currently out there today.

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So what does all this mean for the future of Ethereum? Well if I was a betting man (which I am), I would bet the house that Ethereum should and will eventually become one of the most valuable commodities on the face of the earth. Yes of course there will be some bumps along the way. The price will have major fluctuations, and it will be hard to convince the masses that this is an unstoppable future that needs to happen. People in general just don't like change, and the average person does not seem to comprehend the value of something that they probably don't understand, and the majority of people will only believe something when they see it on the nightly news as if they believe that things are only true and actually happening when the government backed news reports say it is.

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But is this a bad thing? Or is it a good thing? Well in my humble opinion it is an expected trend and history proven fact that the majority of people are hesitant and even scared of new things that will change the way they live and function in their daily lives. Most people will not adopt new ideas or technology until they are virtually forced to, or have no viable alternative.
I like to call these people the “MMM's”, “Tripple M's”, or “Mind Manipulated Masses”. But if you are reading this post then don't despair, for you are apart of the minority or what I call the “OMP's”, (Open Minded People). Yes you are a person who seeks out the truth, a person who thinks for themselves, a person who is open to change, a person who embraces new technology if it will improve humanity and your way of life. Without the “OMP's” of the world we would still be rubbing sticks together to make a fire, we would still be sending letters by pigeon or horse back, and thank god for TV!, I don't think I would have lasted long in pre TV world.! Lol…

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So now that I have that of my chest, I should get back to the subject at hand. Is Ethereum worth investing in? In one word “YES”.! Let's put it this way. I am a huge believer in Cryptocurrency, and it is already changing the world in more ways than we have even begun to see. And if Ethereum fails then they will all fail, and I really for the life of me can't see how this can happen. The momentum is to strong and the possibilities to vast for Cryptocurrency not to succeed.!
Do your research people and have an open mind. Be one of the “OMP's” and stay ahead of the pack, because only the people who get in early will be able to take advantage of the unstoppable growth of Cryptocurrency.



This has been an @crypto-expo Production

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(Image's sourced from Google images or source link below image)


Eth to the moon!

All the way 🕺

My opinion it will keep rising then take a bit hit whenEOS dump all there ether on the market. Then I would buy and wait for the rebound.

Great minds think alike 😉. I agree with you @paulanthony 👍

Awesome and very helpful post. Thank you for calling this to my attention. Upvoted and Resteemed! Great job. Keep steeming!

Hey buddy, you did all the work..but you are most welcome.

Don't forget to write about bitcoin also.Its already moon to da mars now.

Bitcoin is still the king of Crypto World indeed 👌

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