- Got Your Space Suit? The first Month and Pushing Strong.

in #ethereum6 years ago

A big thank you to all our contributors. We couldn’t be where we are at without you. Thank you one-eight Community. 25 ETH has been contributed to the smart contact and over 4.8 ETH in Rewards has been given to our contributors. There are currently 37 unique contributors at the time of this writing. We are growing strong, slow and steady.

The Contribution fund now is at 20.36 ETH. We are very close to achieving our first milestone. We did this without having a big marketing campaign. Most of the growth is from good word of mouth and the positive vibes people are feeling from one-eight.


To prepare us for the journey ahead we have put together tools that our contributors can utilize to assist them in growing and securing the Contribution Fund. Its very important we grow and protect this. I emphasize this because the Contribution Fund is where our daily rewards come from. It takes a little bit of work from each of us to keep this moving and growing.

The milestones that we are reaching for are based on growing our “Contribution Fund”. These are different phases. I will share the vision with you to help you understand the path that we are walking and the journey you and I will partake of to achieve each phase. Here is the plan.

Phase 1 - Base
The first 100 ETH is building our base and reaching out to various communities and establishing partnerships to build a good base of contributors and partners. The milestones that we are aiming for are 25 ETH then 50 ETH and then 100 ETH. The first one hundred ETH will secure the base for one-eight. Once we break this 100 ETH mark we will utilize our partnerships to keep us above this.
100 plus Unique Contributors.

Phase 2 - Security
From 100 to 1000 ETH we will go into our building security phase. The milestones are laid out like this. 250 ETH, 500 ETH than 1000 ETH. During this time we will start an aggressive ad campaign. We will also focus on branding merchandise to back the Contribution Fund. When we pass 500 ETH we can also begin to focus on one-eights game expansion and immediate partnerships with POC and Blazen Tokyo store.
500 Plus Unique Contributors.

Phase 3 - Confidence
From 1000 to 5000 ETH. At this time the platform will be well established and new people coming into the program will have confidence in the way the system works. We will keep pushing and growing at this time. We will not rest. One-eight will also have a solid network of partnerships to keep the contribution fund moving. At this time people should be coming to one-eight to contribute and utilizing the site as a portal to access other Dapps.
2500 plus Unique Contributors.

Phase 4 - Lifestyle
From 5k to 10k to 15k and beyond. For those who have been in the project from the beginning up until this point you should easily have 10 times what you started with. We will have several Whales by this time and our communities will be solid. Partnerships will also be growing continuously. Other projects that are up and coming will connect with one-eight system frequently. We will have established our name. And life will be good for all of us.
5000 plus Unique Contributors.

The vision for one-eight is ambitious. These milestones are very reachable and realistic. It could take us a few years it could take us 6 months to get to where we want to go. Its all dependent on the community and the mindset of each individual. Its important to halt people who are toxic and have a FUD filled attitude do not let doubt seep into your thinking.

Being a part of a project like this is not only about dropping your ETH in and forgetting about it. It also takes work from each one of us to keep it growing. It takes us working together as a community and being in a good mindset. Be open and not afraid to share the project.

Be active in the telegram or discord community. Read the steemits and follow the weekly Live broadcasts. Follow us on twitter to monitor the daily stats. We have created all these communication points to keep you connected.

When you contribute to one-eight, you are one-eight, that is what it means to “be one-eight.” Thanks again everyone. A I appreciate your time in reading this. Now lets get it.


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