Have You Been a Scammed?! Read This NOW.

in #ethereum6 years ago (edited)

You’ve been scammed. You jumped into a High Risk Dapp on the Ethereum blockchain and were taken for a ride. But you had strong crypto dreams and you knew deep inside that there was “the project” that would help you recover those losses. From the Proof of Weak Hands Clones to the Farming Games to Fomo3D. You had high hopes and you believed that Pay Day was right around the corner. Project after Project, Loss after loss and than on top of that, the crypto market crashes and well, you count your losses.


With all these losses you grow bitter, tired, angry and upset. Everything is a scam to you. Even projects that are legit you call out as a scam. You drop FUD in the various forums. All devs to you are full of tomfoolery and the Ethereum blockchain is a sham. Then you go back to trading, but because the market is crashed well you lose even more. Crypto has kicked your ass royally and well, your sick of it. You are defeated and you let it be known to everyone around you.

You carry on the charade of talking like you know the market, giving advice to various folks. And telling them all the scams. Your attitude is toxic. Nothing is legit. Is this you? Has crypto defeated you? Is everything a scam to you? Well is it? Its time to wake up. There are real projects out here that are not scams that are backed by great devs and communities. You only need to open you eyes and look at the bigger picture.

Its ok to feel skeptical about new projects. At the same time its incredulous to call a project a scam when you haven’t done the proper research on the project or talked to the developer. Do your research before you judge any project to be a scam. Especially for Ethereum the code is all open source. If you don’t understand the source code, talk to someone that does.

Crypto is a game of High Risk. You will have victories and you will have losses. Thats the game. Consider what you put into crypto money well spent on entertainment. Put in only what you are willing to lose. Strategize and get to know the game before you jump in.

Ive been in the game for the past year and yes, I too have been scammed and have lost in a few projects. I have also had people take advantage of my kindness because they preyed on my generosity. But I will not let this defeat me. And I would like to encourage you to not feel defeated either.

These are the projects that are carrying me through - Proof of Community, one-eight.io and Arbitrage. All these projects are working really good for me. Even games I play for fun like Planet Crypto are awesome too.

There are Gems out there. You only need to know where to find them. Don’t let the market defeat you. Find the strategy, find your exit scam and make crypto work for you.

“If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far, go together” African Proverb


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