Diving In - Etherium MiningsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #ethereum7 years ago

Recently I've dipped my toes in the waters of cryptocurrency investing. I've invested a small amount into what I would consider the trending coins/currencies. As of yesterday though, I decided enough of the toe-dipping, I want to dive into the deep end. Where is my Floaty Neck Donut!?

After some research, I've begun mining Ethereum using a cloud service. The process was relatively straightforward to setup and within a half hour I was up and running. My research and some online calculation tools indicate that I should be able to recoup my investment within ~120(ish) days. Of course that's if everything remains constant (which it won't). As always, I've followed the golden rule, invest only what I'm willing to lose.

I'm looking forward to seeing results and really just using this experience to learn more about the industry as a whole. I'll also be able to tell my grandkids one day that while I didn't break my back in the California Gold Rush, I did get a crick in my neck and a sore mouse hand mining some digital currency :)

One question though ...

Why aren't more people mining coins? Maybe I'm just too new, or I'm not in the right community but it seems like there aren't a significant amount of people around here that mine their currency. With the potential ROI and how relatively straightforward it is to get going, I would think more people would consider it a worthy investment. I'd love to hear your opinions in the comments below and hopefully learn more.

Yesterday I posted my introduction, 'I absolutely HATE social networks - Why am i here?!'. Check it out if you haven't or just want to learn a little bit more about me :)

Thanks for taking a moment to read, Cheers!


Yeah, I'm not mining locally via my computer, I'm using a cloud service called Hashflare

I don't really understand the mining aspect of all of this. Is there any mining here on Steemit? Sometimes all of this stuff sounds like kids talking about Minecraft :0)

I'm honestly not sure, I think there was mining at one point. Unsure if there are people still mining for Steem or if things have changed since early on.

I really enjoy mining. People say it helps validate the blockchain. I use CCminer in Windows 64-bit. My video card is a Geforce 750 ti so it has the AMD built in for mining. I love it! Mostly mining LBRY and Equihash, these are very easy on my card producing very little heat 50 degrees C tops.

You using Genesis?

What cloud service are you using?

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 58225.92
ETH 3120.30
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50