Ethereum Classic is free insurance for pre-fork Ethereum holders

in #ethereum8 years ago

Why would pre-fork Ethereum holders sell 100% of their free insurance policy? Every pre-fork Ethereum holder is entitled to free Ethereum classic. If the Ethereum price crashes and Ethereum classic rises then they are shielded from massive losses. I am bullish on ETC and I think it is silly to be paranoid about it just because there are "Russians" involved. That same flawed logic keeps people away from Bitcoin because "Chinese miners" are involved. Not all foreigners are scammers. News is constantly flowing in this sector of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. I try to keep you up to date with the latest so please keep coming back and spread the word.

This is a great ETC site:
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I just want us all to achieve financial freedom!!

Exactly! So I am happy with every crypto-coin doing well.

It looks like there is growing support for ETC, I guess time will tell.
Doesn't hurt to have an ace in the hole!

You are 100% correct. If you can hedge your bets for free then you hedge your bets!

Good to see you moved your work to Steemit :-). Great post, as usual.

I can't pass up Free Bitcoin. Buy and hold baby!!!!

Thanks for making the effort to put this all together. I'm holding a little of both.

Thanks! That is a good idea. Nothing wrong with that ETH and ETC are just currencies they don't have feelings that will be hurt because you hold both of them. :)

Absolutely. I don't subscribe to brand loyalty in any shape or form.

If more people were like you and less like the designer brand worshipers of modern society then this world would be a smarter place.

What in your opinion is advantageous about holding ethereum vs Bitcoin? Just a speculative hedge? The new coinbase update is making that ETH button look very attractive.

People (including me) have blown Coinbase's participation in various aspects of crypto out of proportion in the past. They are a very minor player worldwide in terms of the amount of coins they actually sell/trade. Still they are the USA's major on ramp for dollar purchases of Bitcoin and now Ethereum. I see no point in buying a substantial amount of ETH (more than 10) . I think if you want to gamble you should purchase a small amount of Ethereum classic from another source. The long term prospects for Bitcoin dwarf those of Ethereum.

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