Ether Inc - blockchain for a creation of the organizations

in #ether6 years ago (edited)


A new blockchain protocol for developers called ETHER INC, what does it mean?

Generally, that is a fork of ETHEREUM blockchain made especially for the creation of organization inside of this blockchain. It is not only conception, but fully functional and implemented solution, that you can use in any scale - for your small start-up or in enterprise segment.
By the way, this project is supported by ETHEREUM Foundation.


~ What is the solving problem?

Case 1. You would like to start some business for several participants, but your team is remote, and you need to determine the shares for every participant by rules of joint stock company.
Case 2. You need to determine the conditions for smart contract execution, when some task or work will be fulfilled.
Case 3. You would like to write decentralized applications (dApps) on the blockchain eInc

For these three cases exists the one solution - a using of Ether Inc blockchain.

So, this article will be devoted mostly to possiblities and features for developers, and to description of the API (Application programming interface, a sets of procedures, calls and functions allowing the creation of applications that access the features or data of an application, or other service).

At first I have to note that most of function are worked out already, there are - explorer for the blockchain, explorer for created organizations, network explorer - every of them are built on two networks - mainnet and testing network called Rosten - check all the links at the end of an article.

download (3).png

The API is implemented in two networks too, ETI Mainnet (, chain ID 101) and ETI Ropsten (, chain ID 103).
(Btw, if you did not guess it - "ETI" is a ticker for token unit in Ether Inc blockchain).

In both of networks you can use next GETH methods:
• web3_clientVersion
• web3_sha3
• net_version
• net_peerCount
• eth_protocolVersion
• eth_syncing
• eth_gasPrice
• eth_blockNumber
• eth_getBalance
• eth_getStorageAt
• eth_getTransactionCount
• eth_getBlockTransactionCountSyHash
• eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber
• eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash
• eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber
• eth_getCode
• eth_sendRawTransaction
• eth_call
• eth_estimateGas
• eth_getBlockByHash
• eth_getBlockByNumber
• eth_getTransactionByHash
• eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex
• eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex
• eth_getTransactionReceipt
• eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex
• eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex
• eth_getCompilers
• eth_compileSolidity
• eth_newFilter
• eth_newBlockFilter
• eth_newPendingTransactionFilter
• eth_uninstallFilter
• eth_getFilterChanges
• eth_getFilterLogs
• eth_getLogs
• trace_call
• trace_rawTransaction
• trace_replayTransaction
• trace_filter
• trace_get
• trace_transaction
• trace_block

I thinks most of these methods are familiar to ETHereum developers, but some of them are others.

By now exists forks of the products made for Ethereum "like MEW" (My Ether Wallet) - interface for access to wallet / address data (check on the link ), and like well known plug-in for Chrome Browser - Metamask for Ether Inc (called EINC META, check here ).


At the moment I have not figured it out yet, how will be connected ETH wallet and EINC / ETI wallet, but it will be some way, because on the airdrop page ( you can input your ETH address and get some EINC / ETI tokens, but honestly not so much - 1 ETI per day.

As a sum up of the article I can tell you, that the essence of ETI tokens is the same as for ethereum blockchain - a payment of the transactions ("gas") and storage of information in the blockchain.
In case of Ethereum, the information is usually - other tokens, in case of ETI it will be security tokens, describing the organizations and relationships between participants inside of organizations.
The difference from the Ethereum - the higher speed and network bandwidth, the lower transaction costs.
Not bad, not?

And the interesting fact: about 10% of all created ETI tokens (97.5 mln) will be distributed among ETH holders in the ratio 1:1. So if you do have 1 ETH (costs 500 USD by now) you will get 1 ETI token (a price of ETI token is 0.1 USD by now). So it will be about +0.02% of free income in prices of ICO.

If you will decide to invest to EINC, you should know that ICO sale ends 25 July 2018, hurry up.
Soft cap is 1 mln of US dollars already reached, hard cap is 22 mlns USD.

~ Contacts and links:

E-mail: [email protected] <-- here you can check the smart contract and blockchain code

Organisation Explorer (Mainnet): (Rosten Testnet):
Block Explorer (Mainnet): (Rosten Testnet):
Network (Mainnet): (Rosten Testnet):

Author: Alkey.Rou (;u=1595977)
EINC address: 0xE4b38B36468C42Bc792d36C780D82a3D47bC7D51
ETH address: 0x8bdf0Ce4097fB637Cab07d35d77D2CC297534D92


It's a really cool idea - an Ethereum fork. I hope this upgrade will push ETH forward:)

I am very happy to be a part of this project. I'm sure that this company will show amazing results, as it was shown.

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