
A picture for this post ? ^^
Upvoted, continue to follow ethereum, it's still can make us rich :)

updated with pic

$231 on coinbase and sinking :(

should have bought at $231

Ouch, i didnt know it was that low....coinmarketcap is behind!

Can still get it at $233 on coinbase.
Buy while you can

Im trying here @ $238..coinbase is still " Ethereum Transaction Delays" though

Thanks @getsome3000..order filled @$232 finally

Darnit.. "ETH buys are temporarily offline" -coinbase :(

Wow, its been like that for several days...they need to fix that crap

Not sure on Coinbase ETH market share, but if people cant buy ETH it makes it hard for the price to increase!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63525.26
ETH 2583.76
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.80