Touch With Your Hand, Heal With Your Heart

in #esteemapp6 years ago (edited)

This is a code that I accepted when I received the designation of Massage Therapist in Canada, in 1991.

Back then, we were considered Drugless Practioners and it wasn’t until 1994 that we became regulated health professionals within our country. That, put us in the same arena as Physiotherapists, Nurses and Medical Doctors.

I had just turned 18.

At the time, I was the youngest graduate in my graduating class and the youngest to graduate from my college.

From there, I had to be recommended to write the government exams which were held once a year and over a two day period.

Six hours of written exams on one day. Then 3 hours of practical examinations in front of many examiners, the next. If you did not achieve an 80% grade (or higher) you had to wait until the next year, to try again.

The stakes were high. They still are to this day.

The examiners drilled question after question. Their job was to grade my hand movements and test my critical thinking processes and confidence to practice under pressure.


Here’s the code (like an oath) that I accepted almost 28 years ago:

To touch and cherish the worth and dignity of each person as a blessed and unique expression of life is to affirm the value of life.
To touch and accept each other in our different skins, and wounded parts and our hoping hearts
Is to create safety and trust.
To touch and know the vulnerability of aching flesh, a despairing brow, a trickling tear
Is to create empathy and compassion.
To touch with gentle strength and knowing softness
Is to restore the healing power of touch.
To touch and express sincere praise, kind thoughts, considerate deeds and gestures
Is to create confidence and self esteem.
To touch with integrity
Is to create truth, honesty and wholeness within ourselves, our fellows and in our world.
To touch with our hands and heal with our hearts
Is to renew the miracle and the majesty of serving with integrity in touch. written by Cidalia Paiva

Many think I do nothing more than rub flesh all day long.

That’s very simplistic thinking.

On a physical level, what I am doing is making space and holding that space for the physical body to correct and unwind itself.

Muscles are like guidewires and extremely strong fabric.

They will ratchet down when the brain tells them that something isn’t right within the body.

The bones and joints are slaves to whatever the muscles are programmed to do.

I change this programming which can become hardwired in (directly from the brain) if poor body biomechanics are accepted. It becomes all about rejigging patterns of movement to combat chronic pain.

~ Rebecca


Hey :))))
We have a massage therapist within our group! Hello from them.
Thanks for all that you do, Rebecca! Here's a dab from our latest post:
Grape Godess, just for you.

Oh wow...your massage therapist code literally brought tears to my eyes, specifically:

To touch and accept each other in our different skins, and wounded parts and our hoping hearts
Is to create safety and trust.

To touch and know the vulnerability of aching flesh, a despairing brow, a trickling tear
Is to create empathy and compassion.

It's a good message and I have lived my life by it @lyndsaybowes...
Interestingly enough it has the power to resonate loud and clear across cultures and across our planet.
It warms my heart to know that after we are all long gone, it can be found on the Steemit blockchain forever...preserving this information for future generations.
I see this work just like leaving a bread crumb trail for the other empaths to find and take comfort in.

Intentions. It's all about intentions and serving others for their highest good.

You, Lyndsay, nail this 110%, in everything you do.

I am blessed that you and many good souls are in my circle.

Rest your heart and dry your eyes because we have soooo much work to do.

Let this fuel our fire to eternity as we make it safe for people to wake up, if they so choose. ;)

Thank you for this gift. Love you so much @rebeccaryan!

Little Girl
It is the most beautiful hand that I know of and will ever see.
And I know that the heart is many times more beautiful and valuable beyond measure.
I will not diminish the power and value of your post with anymore of my failing words to exalt you as I should.
Just a simple thank you is all I can add in my low estate to "Your Highness."


Thank you Francis.
You are one of my most cherished, dearest friends and I love you very much. AND I’m going right now to watch the material, that I promised I! (Right now.)

An interesting story, my friend and especially I liked the words about touching hands and healing our hearts, this is very lacking in our world. Well done! Thanks Rebecca

It is lacking in our world and we simply just need more compassion, more nurturing and more love.
I just love you @serkagan. Have a great day in your little corner of our planet.

Many thanks and I wish you all the best!

So much more to that than I realized. Is this the same in all states or only California?

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm in Canada @josephsavage but I can speak to basic regulations in all of North America.

Each state has different requirements and many have no requirements at all. The states of Florida, Colorado, California and Hawaii have some of the most stringent academic requirements for massage therapy.

Canada's requirements are completely different and only 5 of our provinces have regulation, the other 5 provinces and 3 territories are not regulated (as of yet).

This is why there can be huge discrepancies between levels of care, skills and service.

Anyone can be taught to rub a body. Anyone can read a textbook or a scientific journal...but this work can be taken to the level of an ART if a student is paired with the correct teacher.

Just like a form of martial arts, you must learn to use your body differently...I now can "see" with my fingertips and if you could observe my body movements around a treatment table you would understand the difference. ;)

It can be felt also.

I’ve had many many massages over the years. I think it is key to staying healthy overall. There is a huge difference between someone who just does massage & someone who focuses on the level that you are talking about.

Usually older ladies that have deep deep strength combined with those X-ray fingers & psychic level of patient understanding. The kind of massage that has your whole body feeling lighter & soft the next day.

Maybe I’ll go today 🤔

So true @ceattlestretch!
I am 5 feet tall and 90 lbs...often people think how is this little lady going to be able to do anything for me. It’s all about how you leverage your body. The strength comes right up through your foot placement, up your core and into your shoulders, then gets transferred through your arms to your fingers. I use my whole body to move and free the fascia of another person.
It’s a bit scary to see a body reposition itself without the conscious control of the individual who it belongs to, but that’s the entire goal.
Put the body into the optimal alignment, hold it and let it make its own corrections.
Very little force is needed then...different than old school chiropractic which does use very aggressive, abrupt thrusting to force a body to accept a new position.
I hope you do have a good treatment today. It does keep the body in good running order. ;)

I can imagine you are very efficient in your work.

Part of me would love to go to massage school so I could actually help people be healthier. Previously was a surgical tech & didn’t feel like I was actually helping anyone but the people making money at the time.

Maybe that will be my next school adventure

I think you should seriously consider it...a lot of your previous education could be transferable if it included anatomy and biology...
Also, there’s potentially a new kid on the block for those of us who have experience with the herb...patients who partake in the plant medicine for chronic pain management also appreciate the value of infused limament. Works like a charm on neuropathic pain like that associated with diabetic neuropathy...finding a supportive therapist is tricky, not to mention finding one that knows how to use cannabis and who can make their own topicals. I’ve not read very much on this topic yet, but I know it will be a huge thing. Amazing anti inflammatory benefits. ;)

Was thinking along the same lines about infused topicals. I guessed you’ve been using them already. I have given some friends massages with infused coconut oil before & they were very relaxed. & I know for me it really keeps general inflammation down.

& yes you are right, not just my anatomy classes, but seeing all the anatomy dissected on a daily basis & learning the goals of different surgical techniques have given me a lot of insight into how my body functions & how I can heal it. None of which involve surgery! Healthy Fascia is key 🔑

My brain is playing tricks on me. I see now that it says Canada in the post. I don't know why I thought it said California.

Posted using Partiko Android

No worries. It was a great question that I was happy to answer.

Here’s another crazy fact: in the early 90s, massage therapists practicing in the state of California were required to go monthly for sexually transmitted disease testing in order to keep their licenses.

Can you imagine this archaic thinking?

Still to this day, people think all kinds of things that are so far from the truth, it would make your head spin. :)

That is crazy! 😂

another great article my dear. keep up the good work.

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