Reasons why "who you know " Beats "what you know"

in #esteemapp6 years ago


Hey guys @oghie here.
From my thoughts and research, I have discovered that most times especially in school it's about what you know that actually save you from getting a poor grade. That's why in school, when the teacher gives the student notes they tend to decipher if it's from the text book. Reason is, they actually want to be 100% sure of what they are been taught.

According to Robbin Tim Ferriss, he addressed this in a podcast episode:

There are achievement cultures and fulfillment cultures. Achievement cultures are focused on quantity of tasks or goals achieved; the number matters more than almost anything else. Fulfillment cultures can be more about personal contentment, growth, happiness, etc. — and less about hitting a specific number.

So far so good, America and other first-World countries are mostly achievement cultures, so we tend to concentrate more on good deals about what we know. All the same, what if that's the wrong approach?

Who you know matters more

Don't get it twisted, they are two things all together, who you know and knowing the right people.

Dealing with other human beings is a huge job all together, irrespective of if you work in a call center, working in a bank, sell real estate, or give marketing solutions for smaller business or companies. The greatest indicator of success is how well you get with others, don't be the ''brilliant jerk'' ( one who does excellently well on paper but has issues in co-operating with the teammates)

This all boils down to the fact that you're affected by those around you, they literally have the ability to make you healthier, happier, depressed or even more successful, or probably just the opposite. At first you might not be aware of who and what's happening around you but in a little time your whole being will become a reflection of those you spend your time with. It's quite crucial and vital of knowing who is your immediate network, and if there a good addiction, important or just toxic.

Knowing the right people around you

Differentiating between an Angel and a devil in someone isn't a hard job. Knowing someone is could help you in the long run in life, but knowing the right person is a different thing all together. Below are some approaches you should consider;

  • Thank those around you
    As simple as ''thank you'' is when saying it, it's goes a long way in receiver's mind. It actually shows appreciation for their efforts. It also reminds you of how bless and worthy you are and also ignite a feel good record in your brain. Each time we hear ''thanks'' from other people it strengthens us more.

  • Give more than you get
    It's even written in the bible that it is more blessed to give than to receive. The truth is, no one really like a receiver who never gives. It's wise to be the giver. be the one who offers him/herself to help others in completing a task or at the office. You never know the person you're helping today might be the one to sponsor and support you later in life, all the same you'll need to be smart when it comes to giving. My take is, give to those who you think looks like an investment that might be useful in time of famine later on in life.

  • Realize this won't be easy
    If you've been going through my blogs I have always elaborated on the fact that whatsoever we humans want, we just have to bear in mind that it's never going to be easy. Building a relationship takes a lot of time completely. In as much as your comfortable approaching the right people, all the same be comfortable still when you're rejected. Understand that anything can happen overnight no matter how sure we are, never predict humans.

Imagine this fantasy situation: you know everything in the world. Every single fact. Every single piece of knowledge. All of it. If you were this person but didn’t know any other people, or didn’t know how to talk to people or connect with them, how far would you get?

Well I'd say not very far.

Now imagine you know 1/4 of what that person does. There is much you lack. You don’t know so many things but you know people and have relationships. Think that person will go far?

Basically, the bottom line is, it's not what you know rather it's who and what connection you have.


Hey @oghie brother, I liked it, really! You have excellent language and writing skills. Will you show us that you really good at what you've just spoken here about, if you please ask five more people to come read and comment this post. So that's how we will know that you actually have those excellent communications skills as well.) Six days will be enough for that?

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