How to Live a Heroic Life

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

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We struggle, every day, not only with what to do but, on a deeper level, how to be. Heroism, no less, is attainable to us all, if only we pay attention. But, to acquire a third eye requires that we do not blink. So, how do we go about sanctifying every day? The thing is, we already know (at heart, inwardly, wordlessly) what we must do, yet are in need of daily reminders.

Muslim mystic poet, Rumi, put it this way: Your depression is connected to your insolence and refusal to praise. As long as we are absorbed in ourselves, we are stuck and unable to see the wonder around us or be of service to others.

Swedish poet, Ekelund, tells us quite simply and beautifully what we must do in order to live, heroically:

"Make the attempt for one day only to be just, magnanimous, self-denying in confrontation with the everyday, and you will see that you stand face to face with --- the heroic. Unless you gain your victory there, those rare and spectacular events won't bring you one step closer to truth and life.


Speaking of The Artist as Mystic, I was proud to see a book of mine by this title reviewed in The Hindu --among the most respected newspapers in India (with circulation figures comparable to the New York Times!)


You can order Kindle and Paperback editions of The Artist as Mystic, here

Thank you, for your attention _/|\_
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ironically those introspective ones aka some philosophers and some melancholic deep ponderers can sometimes get stuck in the trap of thinking instead of doing

take a walk outside, be it in the country or the city, go where there are others and you will easily see everyone can give and make a difference

thanks for sharing @yahialababidi

Wise words, new friend 🙏🏼

As an introvert who can get stuck in my own head, sometimes, I’m also working on doing as well as thinking.

Fortunately, I’m part of a large, active family who remind me of the value of communing with nature & human connection.

Thanks, again, for your thoughtful comment & I hope you will continue to enjoy my posts ✨🙏🏼💫

Heart management!

Everything is :)

Life is very diffcult...but every thing is posible with struggle...great management...

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