Discovering Your Life's Purpose

in #esteem6 years ago

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Where your talents and the needs of the world meet, lies your calling. —Aristotle
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Here, Aristotle succinctly expresses an example of a kind of spiritual synchronicity, a correspondence of inner and outer worlds, that we all strive for throughout our journey on earth. Of course, there's the cultural clutter to cut through.... But, I believe a sense of purpose can make its way even through all the noise and distractions that we are bombarded with, daily. As a recovering Existentialist, I am not immune to doubt but find that, if things don't work out, Hope is better to fall back on.

I think we must, at least, try to imagine that anything is possible (without self-defeating, self-imposed limitation) in order to come up against our genuine boundaries and then, gracefully, accept actual limitations that life imposes.

I, also, believe that the greater the talent, the greater the need, the greater the sacrifices and, ultimately, the greater the chances of being heard. Here's a Kafka quotation that I deeply admire, where the writer recognizes he is prepared to sacrifice all for the sake of his calling:

This tremendous world I have inside of me. How to free myself, and this world, without tearing myself to pieces. And rather tear myself to a thousand pieces than be buried with this world within me.

Because we belong to the world and to each other, pursing our sense of purpose is the opposite of selfish. Since, when our needs intersect with those of the world's it makes us and the world spin faster. In closing, if I might be permitted one more echo from a sage, I'll leave you with this paraphrase from the Buddha:

Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it.

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We all need to develop tools and ways to map out and to really discover ourselves, dont we? Deeply inspirational post.

That, I believe, is why we are here... on Steemit & this spinning planet. Thanks, for your kind words.

Spinning planet, well said. Sometimes i think this planet is becoming spineless, too... sadly.

Nah, there’s a lot of courage, everywhere. But, it’s quieter than loud-mouthed cowards on the news.

Of course, world is contradictory by default. Courage can be found in abundance, but atrocities are quite often systemic in nature, beyond direct reach of individual. Yes, i know i sound pesimistic.

Yeah... In your struggle with the world, side with the world. -Kafka

Yes, and for the better, to add to Kafka's thought.

Not until my thoughts reach your post this time, my friend. My logic doesn't play well. :))

I’m afraid I don’t understand what you mean...

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