An Early, Original Birthday Poem — to Myself

in #esteem6 years ago


With my 45th! Birthday fast approaching, I find myself musing on mortality, morality and all the hard work that remains to fulfill my promises to myself and become whom I hope to be.

Below, an original, intimate prose poem which recognizes that the personal is universal, and we are all longing to meet our True Self.

Before that, a couple of Confucius quotes on the passage of time & how to make the best use of it:

At 15 I set my heart on learning; at 30 I firmly took my stand; at 40 I had no delusions; at 50 I knew the Mandate of Heaven; at 60 my ear was attuned; at 70 I followed my heart's desire without overstepping the boundaries of right.

Old age is good and pleasant. You are gently shouldered off the stage, but then you are given such a comfortable front stall as spectator.*


I stirred in the small hours of the morning. Sensing a presence, I did not return to sleep, but ventured into the living room, apprehensively.
There, by the balcony, sat a familiar figure — cross-legged and reading in the semi-dark, with just the milky moonlight for company,
I do not know how I knew, but I did. I recognized the intruder, at once, with a mixture of dread and affection.
“I’m sorry,” were the only words to leave my lips. “I’m sorry, too,” replied my longed-for-self, with a sense of infinite kindness and pity
He did not rise to greet me and, somehow, spoke without words, transmitting what was needed.

Catching his glistening eye, the caring made me cry. “You’ve taken every detour to avoid me,” he gently reproached. “For every step I've taken towards you, you've taken two back”.
I did not know what to say in my defense (how could I protest against myself?) “I missed you,” he said, and feared you’d forgotten me.”
His admonishment was tender as a kiss. “I visit from time to time, and hope you’ll ask me to say.” I knew what he said was true, and felt that way, too.
“I worried,” he continued, “if I postponed this visit, we might never meet, in this life… and so I came to sharpen your appetite.”
He rose and moved towards me. “There’s no need to speak, return to sleep. But when you rise, try to remember me. And to keep awake.”

—Yahia Lababidi


(Photos: Mine)


@yahialababidi, you're writing and thinking just move me so much!! whew, every time. Happy birthday fellow Virgo ;-))

Happy Birthday, to you, fellow artist and kindred spirit! Always, good to know my words reach you & resonate! Sending much love your way <3

thank you and back at you!!

Narrative poetry that flows so hard into my inner space about how someone confronts life wisely in thinking and acting.

This is a very strong inner management in each of your works.

And I began to think: That the heart is all the problems of life.

Yes, the heart is at the root of all our challenges--which is why we must try to make it our life work purifying it...

Thank you, for your warm attention and thoughtful comments _/|\_

Who is he? I read repeatedly but haven't gotten it. I am still curious! congratulations on starting a new journey day. thanks!

He is Me, my Higher Self... dreamed and longed for. Thanks, for taking time in trying to understand this piece and I wish you happy discoveries on your own (inner) journey :)

Wao sir great poem.i always pray for always be happy.and late wishing your birthday happy birthday.Many many retune of the day.your all dreamz cone true.

You always pray for me? Why, thank you!

Because you are a great man.

Wow so sweet and cute you were! Happy birthday dear sir and many many happy returns of the day !

Thank you, I've nearly one month left, but have begun to think early of what it might mean...

Happy birthday sir!

Thank you, one month left...

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