Ah, Youth!

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)



Memories & Longing

Contemplating our childhood, who we were & who we are becoming, is a tricky affiar. The tendency is to regard youth as a kind of paradise lost, and discount the present as a sort of fall from grace. But, is this always true? Might not the opposite, in some cases, be closer to the truth? Here are two quotes that consider this matter, from different perspectives.

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Every human being's essential nature is perfect and faultless, but after years of immersion in the world we easily forget our roots and take on a counterfeit nature.

I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.
—Carl Jung


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It is interesting how the dynamics of a person's environment might warp their personality... The world may tarnish our true nature, but in the end, it's up to us to (graciously, lovingly) say, "oh, no, you don't... I'll have that back, please." Which is to say, we are responsible for the state of our soul

Our childhood may have been less than perfect, but our response to it, is up to us. For better or worse, our parents might be our first occasion to practice the lifelong lesson of Acceptance and Gratitude for All. Of course, there are objective difficulties—poverty, injustice, trauma, etc... but they needn't define us, if we choose otherwise.

I'm not suggesting it's easy, either, or that it does not require life-long hard work, but it is my conviction that our attitude is key to living a life of authenticity and contentment. The more we practice, the more we find ourselves embodying these values.

We are not all dealt the same hand in life — and I think it's essential to our humanity to acknowledge that. Yet, whatever our individual experiences, we can all move along our own continuum towards a goal of healing and wholeness.

Likewise, with the less than stellar choices that we make throughout the years, neglecting to care for our soul. Bitterness, or misanthropy are the only true and lasting failures in life. If our hearts should harden and turn to ice we must try, at least, not to blame the weather.

More and more, I'm beginning to feel that wisdom is a form of recovered innocence. We can become who we once were, again, if we long to.


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(Images: private collection)


Maybe I am splitting hairs, but my view is between the two quotes. I think we are all created good, but have a tendency towards evil. To overcome that takes grace from above and constant cooperation and receptivity on our part to surrender to the process. Very thought provoking post. 😀

I won't disagree with you, but will split hairs :) I don't believe that we have a tendency towards evil, but rather a weakness for/vulnerability to it... This is why we must try to build up our spiritual immunity, so to speak. Otherwise, I fully agree with your well-phrased summary:

To overcome... takes grace from above and constant cooperation and receptivity on our part to surrender to the process.

Thanks, for taking time to read and leave that thoughtful comment _/|\_

Strongly agree with you! To remain a wise and wonderful person, my friend.

Two extraordinary quotes. Become more easily understood after you narrate it, my friend. Do not blame me if I often come to your content, because I have fallen in love with your motivated and highly inspired content every time I read it. :)

Why would I blame you?

I'm grateful for your attention and understanding :)

Thanks for a very wise answer. ☺

Is this your chilhood photography, looking cute. I'm also agree with Lao-Tzu that we easily forget our roots. When people stabilised and go to high level then forget who were he, forget his past.

Yes, pictures are of me and family, thanks, for the compliment (that playful kid is still in there, somewhere :) Glad you found Lao Tzu quote meaningful _/|\_

Hello, Yahia. Your mother is a very beautiful woman! It seems to me that in this photo your brother is upset. What upset him?

Thank you. Sorry, I can’t remember (this was over 30 years ago)!

Very nice photos and your mom looks very beautiful 😍

Kind of you to say, thanks 🙏🏼Hope you enjoyed text, too.

Great job @yahialababidi. i like your post.

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