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RE: April 6th - Some Thoughts on a Saturday - Shape the future don’t let the future shape you

in #esteem5 years ago

I don’t think the old system will go quietly unless they have control or is beneficial to them. I think they are in a watch and see mode.

Most of us just want to be left alone and live our lives. We have our own problems. We let things go until they get bad. Than we have the answers because we are told our opinion. Not everyone but enough to keep things interesting.

I like the guy who put water in a bottle and made a fortune selling it. LOL
There is a visionary .

Congratulation on the Engagement League position


Hey, @wolfhart.

re: go quietly

I agree. Things aren't rolling out so fast that they can't keep up with it. In fact, there seems to be more about how they can control it, or maybe even stomp out independent chains by creating their own. So, anyway. It's not over, not by a longshot, and something will have to move, and move quickly for it to be a victory for the blockchain without some major pushback.

re: left alone

Wouldn't that be great? To be left alone to live our lives?

I don't mind information to make decisions. I don't mind some help, and I certainly could do more helping myself. That's all good. Mandates, compulsion, requirements, not so much.

re: congratulations

Yeah. It's about time I climbed back up there. :) Thank you.

You make this place a little better.

The blockchain will be interesting to watch. This all might turn out beyond any of our imagination. I just keep an eye out.
The exchanges are making a killing and we will see what they buyout in the financial industry. Or wil they be brought out.
Crypto is still not in the mainstream financial media unless it’s negative.

I just watch ,wait and hope

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