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RE: Shall I make another Introduceyourself post?

in #esteem5 years ago

Thank you for your introductionpost. Again. ; )
Ok lets look at this.

You have broken English
You dress funny
Are NOT addicted to steemmonster
(Hang on I have to scroll down)
I don’t get your name
You can’t teach
I have not learned from you.
I think your hubby is great !!! Hahahaha

You are my friend. Nothing more needs to be said.


My name is Liza Dayani 😊 I forgot that I put that name on my fb not here😊
You missed my first intro post😆 so.. to make it easier for you to talk about me to Mrs.@wolfhart in case she wants to know what makes you laugh when you read my comments😊

You did consume the pill before, didn't you?

Ohhh yea I have been taking that pill for a very long time. Off and on

I told Mrs Wolf that you and your Hubby collect poop 💩. Hahahahaha. That was last year I think. She knows who you are. : ). And your husband too
You do put a big smile on my face every time.

Now I'm glad 😂😂😂 you still remember the dunk collecting post😊 I'm flattered😂😂😂 oohhh I wish I could go back to that time again and was the time when you are as healthy as a bull! You were eagerly taught me to power up and power up 😊..

You made me cry but.. I still remember what you did with the cat's scratching pad 😂😂😂😂😂

Fun times. Hahaha
Yes I remember it all, because it was all important to me (we don’t bring up the scratching pad) ssshhhush hahaha

😂😂😂😂 I can't help my self but ROFL till the tears burst out just by remember the scratching towel story.. it's hard for me to scroll down that post.. but I laugh anytime I think about it.

My hubby was jealous because I laugh out loud for a few days just because of that post.

I still laugh at it.
My wife shakes her head
It sure did feel good on my feet. Whaaahahahaha

I see what you're doing @wolfhart. Goofball 💜💜💜💜

You are my friend. Nothing more needs to be said.

My point exactly!


Yep !!!!!

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