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RE: Steemtransfer - Showing you the STEEM blockchain

in #esteem5 years ago

Indeed an excellent compilation and idea; as I mentioned in our chat, I feel the @steembasicincome group would be a good addition. Founded by @josephsavage... he would be good to add to your interesting people compilation. A few others I can think of would be:

Too many others to mention and remember, but I will update accordingly!
Nice to meet you!


I think you're right about this going to turn into a big job. On the plus side I'm going to meet a lot of brilliant users that i have never come across before. It should be interesting.

Oh yes...

Totally agree; as I have said many times... it's not about the money, but the "people" who are creating content. Community, stewardship... I think this concept gets lost in the "ghost in the machine" if you will. Computers aren't 'self-aware' yet (I don't think anyway lol) so it's the old school adage "garbage in-garbage out"... maybe I am showing my age! Honest though...anything that helps new users to see the "in's and outs" of this Steem'verse is certainly a positive notion. And yes... I am sure there are other's that have created something similar, but another person's opinion, when used in a positive manner, can certainly not hurt!

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