The benefits of marijuana and Harm to health

in #esteem6 years ago





Marijuana (cannabis) is a species of the plant that produces the fiber. The seeds of this plant contain narcotics. Many plants that grow in the tropics, but lately many countries with cold climates also makes them, i.e. in a greenhouse.

During this marijuana plant is considered harmful to health. Actually this is a concern because of the infringement in its use. The use of excessive amounts of marijuana can result in effects of addiction, causing anxiety, can cause brain damage, and can increase the risk of heart attacks.

However, if used properly, marijuana also has a good side that can be used to support health.
Marijuana itself has the form of the leaves is similar to cassava leaves, which are shaped like a finger. Regular marijuana consumption as a ' material ' to suck. Before it can be smoked, cannabis must be drained first, then processed, with similar processing as making cigarettes.

Most people smoke marijuana leaves dry, the flowers, the stemnya, and also the seeds. However, cannabis can also be mixed into the food (such as brownies, cookies, even traditional cuisine such as Coconut Curry), brewed as a tea, or inhaled with a vaporizer.

Many people use marijuana to make them feel relaxed or very happy (high), relief of pain nerve pain, or feel hungry so they can eat more.

Abroad, in addition to the widely used for the purpose of pleasure, cannabis was also studied as a potential treatment for a variety of conditions such as chronic pain and multiple sclerosis. In addition, cannabis is allegedly able to help reduce pressure on glaucoma sufferers. However, if taken continuously, in the prolonged period with excessive doses, marijuana effects will arise that are not good for health.

Here are some surprising benefits of marijuana plants :

1.To treat and prevent eye disease glaucoma
Glaucoma is the eyesight caused by increased pressure in the eyeball, damaging the optic nerve and can cause blindness.
In this case the use of cannabis is intended reduce the pressure inside the eye, slow the progression of the disease, prevent blindness. According to the National Eye Institute who conducted the study in early 1970 stated that marijuana can lower intraocular pressure (IOP) in people with normal pressure and people suffering from glaucoma.

2.Can increase lung capacity
A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association in January 2012 declared that cannabis does not interfere with the function of the lungs, this plant can increase lung capacity, if used in the right doses.

3.Prevent epileptic seizures
According to a discovery was published in the Journal of General and Experimental Therapeutics stated that, the use of cannabis may prevent epileptic seizures, namely by way of tying brain cells that are responsible for controlling stimulation and relaxation of the set.

4.Can reduce the symptoms of seizures (dravet's syndrome)
Doctors recommend treatment with cannabidiol in marijuana plants to calm excessive activity in the brain that cause seizures.

5.Chemicals in cannabis can halt the spread of cancer
According to a study published in the journal Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, stated that cancer cells can change the nature of non cancerous cells into cancer cells and help spread the cells throughout the body. Then a study stating that the use of cannabis in the treatment can lower the cancer cells and reduce its spread.

6.Marijuana may decrease anxiety
The use of the cannabis world health can help reduce pain and suppresses nausea, marijuana can also be used to alleviate the side effects of a chemotherapy. Marijuana can also act as a sedative in low doses. But at higher doses can increase anxiety and paranoid.

7.Slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease
A study led by Kim widow of Scripps Research InstitSute claimed that dope can help slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease. A study published in the journal Molecular pharmacy of the year 2006, found that active chemicals in marijuana (THC), may slow the formation of amyloid plaques that kill brain cells and cause Alzheimer's by blocking an enzyme in the the brain.

8.Diffuse Sclerosis (muscle spasms)
A study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, may indicate that marijuana can alleviate the symptoms of pain in disorders of sclerosis. The content of THC in marijuana can bind to receptors on the nerves and muscles to relieve pain and may help control muscle spasms.

9.Relieves muscle spasms diaphragm
Marijuana can be used to treat spasms of the diaphragm that cannot be treated with other drugs, because it can soothe the muscles of the diaphragm.

10.Can reduce the side effects of hepatitis C treatment and increase the effectiveness of treatment.
A study in the European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2006 found that marijuana can alleviate the side effects of hepatitis C treatment of diseases such as fatigue, nausea, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and depression that lasts for months. In addition the use of cannabis can also enhance the effectiveness of the treatment of the disease.

11.The treatment of inflammatory bowel disease
Researchers from the University of Nottingham in 2010 found that chemicals in marijuana, including THC and cannabidiol, interact with cells in the body that play a crucial role in the functioning of the intestines and the immune response.

12.Reduce arthritis
In a study conducted in year 2011 States that marijuana can help relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and improve sleep, so that it can help reduce the pain and inconvenience for people who are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

13.Help metabolic processes
A study States that, the use of cannabis can be used to help the metabolism system. The body has a healthier response against sugar.

14.Relieve the symptoms of lupus
Chemicals in cannabis have a soothing effect on the immune system, reduce pain and symptoms in Lupus symptoms.

15.increase the brain's creativity
The use of marijuana has some positive mental effects, especially in terms of improving creativity. It is derived from the release of dopamine in the brain, reducing the barriers and make people feel more relaxed, giving it the ability to see things differently. Research shows that marijuana can stimulate brain performance.

16.Relieve disease symptoms chron
Chron's disease is an inflammatory bowel disorder that causes pain, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, and more. A study stating that marijuana significantly reduces symptoms of the disease and help organize gut Chron bacteria and intestinal function.

17.The Soothing tremor in Parkinsons sufferers
Cannabis can significantly reduce pain, tremors, improved sleep for patients, as well as improving motor skills in people with Parkinson's.

18.Protect the brain in the attack of stroke
Research from the University of Nottingham suggests that marijuana may help protect the brain from damage caused by stroke, i.e., by reducing the area affected by stroke. Besides cannabis also provide protection of the brain after traumatic events, such as concussion.

19.Increase appetite
Chemical substances contained in the marijuana turns out could help increase the appetite, especially for patients who have recently undergone chemotherapy.

20.Can help alcohol addiction risk

As for the danger of the use of cannabis is as follows :

  1. Marijuana is the cause of cancer. If compared with the resulting smoke tobacco, cannabis smoke has risks of 50 to 70% as cancer. Marijuana contains carcinogens and THC that produce cancer-causing benzyprene.

  2. Can increase the risk of lung disorders. Cannabis smoke contains carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons concentrations (PAH) higher than tobacco smoke. Marijuana smokers generally suck more smoke in longer periods of time, as well as the store 4 times more tar in their lungs so that it can increase the risk of developing lung disease significantly.

  3. Heart problems. The risk of heart attack increased in the first hour after using marijuana. Smoking pot can cause a higher heart rate and the resulting tension at the heart of its users. At the moment the heart beats faster, your users may experience an abnormal heart rhythm.

  4. Lose cognitive ability. Cannabis users can experience impaired ability to understand things as well as their concentration levels. This can result in users of marijuana easier had an accident or injury.

  5. The Paranoid. Paranoid is one of the usual side effects caused due to the use of cannabis in addition to the effects of anxiety, panic, and fear. However, this effect could be lost within a few hours after use.

  6. The disease schizophrenia. Use of excessive marijuana can trigger the appearance of disease of schizophrenia, a mental disorder that is usually characterized by impaired thought processes and emotions of a weak response, which is usually manifested in the form of hallucinations, paranoid, as well as the existence of a belief or a thought that does not correspond to the real world.

  7. Lose control. A marijuana users typically will experience some side effects such as losing control, memory disturbance, difficulty in thinking and problem solving, as well as disruption of coordination on the muscles of the body.

  8. Mental illness. The loss of a person's control system due to the use of marijuana in excess will make her depression and finally experience a disruption of the soul. They often hallucinate, mengaggap something that is not being there, and vice versa.

  9. fertility Disorders/fertility. The use of marijuana in the long run could hit production of hormones that help regulate the reproductive system. For men, the use of marijuana can cause a decrease in the number and motility of the sperm, and may experience erectile dysfunction. And on women, can cause menstrual disorders, thus allowing the onset of problems that will lead to a decrease in the ability to get pregnant.

  10. Addiction. Additives belonging to marijuana users may result in addiction. He wanted to use it again and again. Because if it stops the user can feel the physical torture such as headache, nausea that continuously, the body feels tired and listless.

  11. the Increase of criminality. Marijuana addiction often raises a criminal action for its users, especially for those from the middle to the bottom of the economy. They can perform any action so that his needs will be met marijuana.

  12. the Excommunicated. Someone who is known as the addict will be ostracized in the life of society. He is considered to be a carrier of problems that could have affected the people in the vicinity.

That's some of the benefits and side effects for health. may be useful.


Did you know there is an actual cannabinoids system in our bodies? It seems to regulate everything that is in excess.

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