The benefits of Bandotan Leaves for medicinal herb

in #esteem6 years ago

For the people of Indonesia plant name is indeed still feels foreign. But the benefits of leaf Bandotan already no stranger anymore among our ancestors. Plants that have a latin name Ageratum Conyzoides this is a type of weed plants of Asteraceae. Bandotan is a type of plant annuals is found first in America in tropical areas, particularly Brazil. But in Indonesia Bandotan plants have long been developed in the country.

In some areas this bandotan plant an assortment of names, some call it babandotan, wedusan, balam, grass and others. Even abroad also exists which might call Chick weed or whiteweed, and Billygoat weed.

How then can this plant its dberi name bandotan? According to the history he took the name bandotan for this plant plant has caused an odor that resembles the smell of goat bandotan. That is why the scientists name bandotan to this herbal plant.

Because these plants such as wild plants often we do not know and just throw it away. But the benefits of the plant bandotan is already used by our ancestors as a herbal remedy for various ailments. The benefits of this plant are also not less potent with benefits from the leaves ciplukan, meniran, pegagan, and also leaves earrings.

The Benefits Of Leaf Bandotan And Characteristics :

The benefits of leaf Bandotan is great for health and treatment not because they contain many compounds useful for the body such as amino acids, ageratochromene, friedelin, sitosterol, stigmasterol, organacid, pectic substance use essential oils, coumarin , tannins, sulfur, and potassium chlorida. While its roots also contain essential oils, alkaloids and coumarin.

As for the bandotan plant characteristics are as follows :

  • These plants having a hard, erect stems or lie down.
  • Characteristics of roots looks at the part that touches the ground, the stem is branched, sparsely haired pretty much.
  • Have a bud compound interest that is located at the tip of the stalk, in height reaches 120 cm.
  • Leaf shape Bandotan handled with 0.5 to 5 cm in size, leaves berseling or face to face, especially on at the bottom.
  • Characteristic strands daunya ovoid resemble a rhombus. The base of the daunya heart-shaped, rounded or tapered, the blunt or tapered. The edges of the leaves are jagged, the two long-haired surface with glands on the underside.

Bandotan Leaves For The Drug Benefits Outside

The benefits of herbal medicine as a Bandotan leaves have long been used as a cure wounds. As for how to make a herbal potion from leaves of bandotan is quite simple :

  1. take the leaves to taste bandotan fresh, then mashed and then mixed with cooking oil. Use this Herbal potion only to the drugs outside the course.
  2. Another way you can try is by wringing the Bandotan leaves mixed with lime and then apply it on the injured parts of the body.
  3. To treat chest pain, do I Boil the leaves Bandotan then apply this concoction to the chest. Decoction of leaves of bandotan could also be to treat the hot eyes.
  4. As for the treat and lower heat and fever. Take the root of bandotan is then mashed. After that apply this concoction to a body of water, the juice of the leaves of bandotan can also be used as medicinal eye drops.

How to make herbal potion from leaves of Bandotan above has long been used by the people of Côte d'Ivoire. In addition to treating diseases above the benefits leaves bandotan could also be used to treat abdominal pain, wound healing, and bone fractures.

Side Effects Of Consuming Leaf Bandotan :

Although this plant useful for treatment, but there is also a side effect that could be brought about if its use is less precise. For in bandotan leaves contain Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid compounds that function as a defense mechanism of insect herbivores. So it is a kind of poison to eradicate the insect, therefore Western people many are using this bandotan leaf extract to make pesticides.

Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids are anti-hepatotoxic compounds, that can damage the liver. These compounds can also lead to Veno-occlusive disease of the liver and liver cancer, also are Tumorigenik or disease-causing Tumours.

Well from the above explanation can be drawn the conclusion that highly not recommended to consume the herb leaves Bandotan. Although many health benefits as well as to cure ulcer, stomach pain, and more, but it's safest to get benefits only as Bandotan leaves for medicine outside the course. Hopefully this information is useful.

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