Benefits of Sweet Potato for health

in #esteem6 years ago




Sweet potato, sweet potato, or sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is a cultivation plant that grows creeper and is generally used as a foodstuff tuber. In some areas of tubers of sweet potato plants used as basic food substitute for rice. Consuming sweet potatoes can make a full stomach as well as consume rice or corn, because the carbohydrate content is high. Not only the tubers are useful, it turns out sweet potato leaves also have many benefits and benefits to overcome various health problems. Some Indonesian people used to use sweet potato leaves to be cooked as vegetables. In the case of herbal medicine, sweet potato leaves have properties to cure or prevent various diseases, both minor illness and serious illness. Benefits and benefits of sweet potato leaves, sweet potato or sweet potato is not separated from the compounds contained therein.

Content of Sweet Potato Leaves

Frequently asked questions are about the content of the compound on the leaves of yams. What is the content of sweet potato leaf compound? or caviar leaves contains what? Sweet potato leaves or yams have many benefits and benefits for health. This is because the sweet potato leaves contain some useful compounds. In sweet potato leaves are known to contain various types of minerals, vitamins and proteins. Based on the results of research conducted by Dr. Shahidul Islam from the University of Arkansas, United States, in every 100 grams of sweet potato leaves contains 117 mg of calcium, 1.8 mg iron, 3.5 mg of carotene. In addition, yam leaves also contain 7.2 mg of vitamin C, 1.6 mg of vitamin E, and 0.5 mg of vitamin K, vitamin B, beta-carotene, and protein.

Benefits of Sweet Potato Leaf For Treatment

The benefits of sweet potato leaves for treatment have been widely known for a long time. Since ancient times people have used sweet potato leaves to treat various kinds of health problems. In the past before there were doctors and modern medicines our elderly people used yam leaves to overcome some inflammatory problems, such as swelling or ulcers. While in other Asian regions, in the Philippines people working in the mines utilize sweet potato leaves to treat dengue fever. Not only that, it turns out the leaves of sweet potatoes have a lot of benefits for health. Here are the benefits of sweet potato leaves to cure various types of diseases;

1.Overcoming Swelling

If you have health problems in your body, such as swelling or bruising. Overcome immediately using sweet potato leaves, the way is very easy, take some leaves of yams that are not too old or too young (medium). Then puree and attach to the affected part. Tie using a cloth or bandage to avoid falling. If the sweet potato leaves dry with a new one, do it several times until your wound heals.

2.Overcoming Ulcers

Ulcers are red lumps on the skin that hurt and contain pus and cause inflammation. Ulcer disease is very painful especially the ulcer in the buttocks. How to overcome it quite easily, heat a yam leaves until wilted and then paste on boils. Another way to crush the sweet potato leaves and wrapped in banana leaves, then warmed. Paste on boils while warm.

3.Treat Dengue Fever

Dengue fever or dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a type of acute febrile illness caused by dengue virus. The disease is transmitted by Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes. Traditionally dengue fever can be cured using sweet potato leaves. Way by boiling 25 pieces of sweet potato leaves that are not too old or too young and then boiled with 600 ml of clean water to boil. Drink boiled water 2 times a day.

4.Prevent motion sickness

For certain people traveling by bus or car is a frightening specter. How not, during the course of their stomach nausea and vomiting until limp. It is commonly called motion sickness or motion sickness. It is said that motion sickness can be prevented by using yam leaves. How to? Provide sweet potato leaves to taste then washed thoroughly. During the trip eat the sweet potato leaves bit by bit.

5.Overcoming Blurred Eyes

Blur is a condition of health disorders in the eye where the eye function is not running properly. Myopic eyes can not see objects or objects clearly or blurred. Myopic eyes can be overcome by exploiting yam leaves. How to crush a handful of sweet potato leaves that have been washed clean. Add 3 tablespoons of warm water and 3 tablespoons of native honey. Then squeezed and drank the water regularly every day.

6.Overcoming Sore Throat

Sore throat, sore throat or also called pharyngitis caused by bacterial or viral infections that cause sore throat if used for swallowing. These symptoms often occur when going cold or cough. Sore throat can be treated using yam leaves. Way by brewing dried vermicelli leaves, such as brewing tea. Drink while warm every morning and afternoon. Do it regularly every day until healed.

7.Treat Worms in Children

Wormy is a symptom of health problems caused by worm parasites in the body, especially in children. Do not underestimate this panyakit, because worms can be bad for children, which causes anemia, IQ decline, lethargic lethargy, drowsiness, lazy move and low weight. How to treat worms traditionally can be done by using sweet potato leaves. The trick with drinking water boiled sweet potato leaves regularly every day.

8.Overcoming Constipation or Bowel Disease (BAB)

Constipation or difficult bowel movements (BAB) is a condition of health problems in the digestive system where a person has difficulty defecating. Constipation can be overcome traditionally using herbal remedies whose ingredients are sweet potato leaves. How to boil some sweet potato leaves then drink water regularly every day. Do it 2-3 times a day.

9.Preventing Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease in which the body can not produce insulin (blood sugar regulating hormone) or insulin produced is not sufficient or insulin does not work properly. Therefore, it will cause blood sugar to rise. Sweet potato leaf nutritious to help control blood sugar levels. Way by drinking boiled water sweet potato leaves or consuming sweet potato leaves as fresh vegetables.

10.Raise platelets

Platelet decreased? The decline of platelets can be caused by several factors such as leukemia, the influence of certain drugs, dengue, pregnancy and childbirth, bleeding, autoimmune diseases, chickenpox, cancer and so on. In some cases the decline of platelets can be fatal and dangerous. To raise the platelets can easily utilize sweet potato leaves. How to boil a handful of sweet potato leaves using 600 ml of clean water. Then boiled water is drunk 2 times a day while warm. Do it every day on a regular basis.

11.Treat Stomach Inflammation

Gastric inflammation or gastric ulcer is a health problem because of injury to the intestinal wall. Symptoms of this disease is the emergence of nausea and pain or abdominal pain. Sweet potato leaf is known efficacious to overcome the disease of gastric inflammation. How to eat sweet potato leaf vegetables or drink sweet potatoes boiled water regularly every day.

12.Overcoming Arthritis Disease

Arthritis is a chronic and lifelong disease and usually affects men and women over the age of 55 years. Patients with arthritis suffer from swelling and stiffness in the joints causing movement of the body to become difficult and painful. Traditionally this disease can be overcome by consuming sweet potato leaves that have been cooked or boiled.

13.Medicinal Acid Urat

Uric acid is a health disorder in which the joints feel pain, aches, pains and tingling until it becomes swollen and reddish or inflamed. Pain in the joints usually feels pain in the morning when just waking up or at night when the temperature is cold. The question is whether uric acid can be cured using sweet potato leaves? As far as I know who has the property to treat gout is the tuber, not the leaves. How to prepare 200 gr red sweet potatoes, 5 cloves, cinnamon one knuckle, nutmeg 1 fruit, red ginger 15 gr, 10 pepper pepper, cardamom 5 grains and brown sugar to taste. All ingredients are boiled using 1500 ml of clean water to boil. Boil until the remaining 500 ml water, drink the boiled water while warm 2 times a day. Do it regularly every day until the uric acid disease healed.

14.Bronchitis Drugs

Bronchitis is an infection of the main airways of the lungs or bronchi causing inflammation or inflammation of the airways. This condition is included as a respiratory disease. Sweet potato leaves or sweet potatoes also have properties to help cure bronchitis panyakit. Eating sweet potato leaves or drinking boiled sweet potato leaves is known to be efficacious to help accelerate the healing of bronchitis.

15.Overcoming Cancer

Cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and are capable of attacking other tissues. Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph system. The content of beta-carotene, antioxidants, major anticarcinogens, and vitamin C, is very important to help cure various types of cancer, especially colon, small intestine, prostate, kidney, and cancer of other internal organs.

16.For Heart Health

The heart's organs are vital organs, the heart's organ pulsates at any moment to pump blood throughout the body. If the organ is in trouble then it will cause very serious health problems, namely heart disease and stroke. Vitamin B6 and potassium in sweet potato leaves are able to balance body fluids and electrolytes contained in the body, so that our hearts will remain healthy and eventually heart disease and stroke can be avoided.

17.To Maintain Immune System

The immune system is the ability to fight infection by pathogens. Active immunity results from immune responses to pathogens and memory cell formation. Passive immunity results from the transfer of antibodies against people who have not been exposed to pathogens. The content of iron in sweet potato leaves can activate the production of white blood cells in the body so that the immune system will increase. In addition, the vitamin content of this leaf also plays an important role in maintaining the mood and strengthen the immune system.

18.For Digestive Health

Sweet potato leaves have many benefits to maintain the health of the digestive system. High fiber and Magnesium in sweet potato leaves strongly support the performance of digestive organs such as stomach and intestines, so some digestive problems such as constipation, gastritis can be overcome.

19.To Prevent Anemia

Anemia is a decrease in the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin (Hb) is an oxygen-carrying protein compound in red blood cells. Some of the symptoms of anemia include easily tired, pale, no lust or lazy and headache. Sweet potato leaves are rich in iron in which these contents can stimulate the formation of platelets in the blood so that the symptoms of anemia can be prevented or even cured.

20.As an Antioxidant

Antioxidants are a group of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and spices that help protect the body from free radicals. Polyphenol content in sweet potato leaves acts as a natural antioxidant that is able to keep the immune system active, so the body will be protected from various types of diseases.

21.For Breastfeeding Mothers (Increasing Breast Milk Production)

Breast milk is fluid to meet the baby's nutritional needs and protect it from possible disease attacks. The balance of nutrients in breast milk is the best and easily digested by newborns. But unfortunately not all mothers have enough milk production for their babies. In order to abundant milk production, mothers who are breastfeeding can consume sweet potato leaves. Inside the sweet potato leaves contain Laktagogum substances that can increase milk production in breastfeeding mothers. However, you should choose organic leaves (without pesticides) because it will be harmful for breastfed babies.

Thus the benefits of sweet potato leaves for health. "Hopefully useful ...

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