in #esteem6 years ago


Do you think it's just a joke?

It's real movement in socal media for support and popularization of breastfeeding!

It was created in the social webs by some active moms who wanted to make something pleasant and motivating for all women who breastfed their babies and toddlers.

The breastfeeding phenomenon doesn't have proper attention and respect from society as it should have. Moreover, some groups of people all the time try to transform a holy process into something miserable and funny.

Golden Boobies was created as support and praise for moms who have chosen this very natural and right mission of women.


This movement has its own symbol - a golden drop, it's own style - golden and black, and it's own philosophy.

In social webs if we write #goldenboobies, we can find lots of wmen who get some types of awards for their mom's mission of growing a happy and healhy child.



Moreover, there're even special titles for moms depending on theit breastfeeding term!

It's so sweet and so amazing!

Breastfeeding moms really get too little support from society, a state and sometimes even from closest friends and families...

Some of them think it's just an ordinary thing, just like to go shopping. Breastfeeing? Ok. Nothing special. No breastfeeding? Ok. I don't care.

Others can be active haters of this process.
As a rule, it's moms who weren't lucky to be breastfeeding moms, those who don't have kids at all or people connected with formula production (kids' artificial nutrition instead of mother's milk).

There're lots of cases when people support it but only till the definite period, the most often variant - till the 1st baby's anniversary.

If a mom decided to continue it, they transform into passionate haters. They're ruled by stereotypes and crowd's opinion.
If we start to discuss the process and its meaning for a baby, these people lose after the first couple of questions, but they judge and make the most pressure. Paradox!


I think the idea of breastfeeding support is just brilliant!
It's very important and necessary!

This process isn't advertised anhywhere, because breastfeeding makes NO profit!
Formula producers lose profit, medicine and Big Pharma lose profit too because they don't get one more patient and customer.


But it should be loud, should be popular and respected!


And it's great there're people who motivate moms and help them to feel proud!

Breastfeeding is priceless, I'm happy to support this mission and be a part of it!


*What is the atittude to this question in your country?
Do you support it?
What do you think of Golden boobies?


Хороший пост. Такой добрый, заботливый и познавательный.

спасибо вам!

I wonder why such a negativity against it

I wonder as well..
it doesn't bring money to anybody, so it's not ptofitable and pressured.
Moreover, the modern world doesn't need healthy kids. They aren't profitable either.

Мой карапуз обожал маминые сиси:) 1,3 года просто балдел от них, пока маме не надоело. Я же, вроде, кушал до трех лет :)

маме так рано надоело?
до 3х - это мамочка молодец! хотя раньше это было совсем не принято, вокруг меня все старшее поколение вопило, чтоб после года срочно отлучала. а вот совсем-совсем раньше кормили "сорок сороков", т.е 4 года 4 месяца, и это было нормально и природно. буквально лет 50-100 назад все перевернули

Эта информация для меня стала откровением.
Да, моя жена лентяйка, ей было влом вставать ночью .

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