in #esteem6 years ago

Friends, I invite you to My Green World!

It's so peaceful and relaxing, it has so tasty and fresh air to breath, so green and bright colors to look at and enjoy, and soon it will be full of eco and tasty fruits and vegetables.

It's my garden!

Better to say, the garden of my Daddy because he is a master there, he takes care of this oasis of nature that feeds us with useful green products.

But me and my son go there as much as we can to help to water and gather the harvest;)

it's one of my favourite places to spend time because there's special atmosphere here: calmness, relax, sounds of nature, fresh wind, no people!! no noise - just my heaven!

Though to take care of plants isn't easy I must admit. it requires much time and efforts.
The main problem is 2-months draught in my place now, no rain at all!

And my Dad needs to water plants almost every day otherwise they will die...

Flowers are perfect when they are alive!

The birth of grapes


It's a net for future cucumbers, they like to grow high and "hug" this net:)

Berries ...mmmm:) still green, but soon they will be red


it was a small tree just 1 year ago, and now it's full of peaches already!
Nature is thankful when people take care of it..

Spinach - so juicy!

Future strawberry


It's already looking tasty! Good luck with taking care of all of them!

Really beautiful pictures 🌹🌸

thank you, dear)

your very own garden! Such a wonderful skill to pass on to your Son

yes, he likes to water plants)

Привет, скинь мне еще раз как найти тебя в дискорде. Та запись удалилась

ты удалилась? давай я тебе напишу. или ты по другому зарегана?
я не помню номер блин, я с другого компа, потом гляну напишу

Случайно удалила, на что-то не то нажала наверное. kristinaljfom вроде ник там, новую запись создала

ага, у меня talia, цифры эти не помню, 0974 что ли..

наверное, какие-то другие цифры)

нет, эти) ищи)

давай свои цифры, потеряшка)

вот 6750)

принимай, тетя мотя)) я сразу все нашла)

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