in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

Is it truth or just another popular myth?

The theory of herd immunity rests on the incorrect assertion that vaccination causes state equivalent to real immunity, that is, lifelong immunity from a viral infection. And this very wrong initial principle destroys the whole theory.

Herd Immunity has recently turned into a shamanistic spell of officials from medicine. The absence of this very herd immunity, that appears when immunization coverage is 95%, explains everything: the diphtheria epidemic of the mid-90s, the periodic rise in the incidence of measles, and even the seasonal outbreaks of intestinal infections!

Even if we ignore the great harm of vaccination for the health and immunity and take into consideration the official data about vaccination, there is no place for logic here.

The most modern and effective vaccines of the best manufacturers give the expected effect for only 90% of the vaccinated people. So even if effciency is very high, and 95% are vaccinated, a part of people are unprotected.

But for most vaccines, the protective effect is only 30-40%, which means that 60-70% of the vaccinated are not protected

The presence of protective antibody titers does not guarantee that the vaccinated people will not get sick.
Therefore, today the generally accepted opinion is that the vaccine is not meant to protect against the disease, but only to alleviate the severity of the course and the likelihood of complications.

But most parents continue to be sure that vaccination = protection!

The immunity after vaccination can not be compared with immunity got after the real desease!
It will be lifelong and very strong, but vaccination tries to create a parody on it.

Producers say that protection is kept during 11 years only!.
This means that most of the population, the entire generation of the 1950s, do not have immunization immunity against diseases from which they were vaccinated in early childhood.
In fact,more than 50% of the population has no protection now, but are they al sick?

And we must ignore all contraindication to achieve high coverage of vaccination, but is it worth it?
Even healthy kids are n't healthy any more after it, so what will be if we close our eyes and ignore their initialhealth problems?!
Doctors ignore all contradictions all the time, and as a result more andmore kids are just victims of this crazy "immunisation".

And a very important fact!

Mass vaccinations (specifically from diphtheria) are made not by vaccines, but by anatoxin - inactivated toxin, from which immunity to the causative agent is not developed at all!!
This means that the vaccinated kids does not become immunity to it, the probability of infection is the same like if they were poisoned by vaccination!

Moreover, antitoxic immunity distorts the picture of the disease.
It means a sick person will not know he is actually sick, or won't know with what he is sick, and will become dangerous for all the rest people around.

If vaccination is too early, children may not respond to the vaccine because of the protective effect of maternal antibodies (transmitted through the placenta).

For example, before 1990, in North America, measles were given one inoculation.
In order to compensate for the "possible impact of maternal immunity" during the first round of vaccination, a new double-vaccination strategy for measles-rubella parotitis was introduced in the United States and Canada in the early 1990s.

Endemic (local) measles gradually disappeared from North America, but in 2011 in Quebec an epidemic of "imported" measles occurred, the largest since the "victory" over measles in the region!

Strict quarantine was not carried out, probably because of the conviction that the region is under reliable protection of herd immunity, because the vaccination rate was exceptionally high (95-97%).

The "source" of the virus was a teacher that had returned from a trip, and hehad been vaccinated in his childhood!

The outbreak lasted six months. More than 600 people and 20 kids got sick.

The epidemic affected the population, where 95-97% of the population were TWICE vaccinated against measles!

So this theory doesn't work, and even double vaccination can't protect.
So maybe we need a tripple one? Or four times will be better?
Or maybe the theory of herd immunity is wrong in its root?


Thank you. This is an information battle I have been a part of for many years now. Sometimes, when I get tired of pulling teeth trying to raise these issues with others in conversation, it is nice to find that other individuals like yourself are aware of the discrepancies and are continuing to fight the battle for understanding. Thank you for your service!

and thank you, Graham for your feedback!
Just the same with me - I try not to touch this topic because all disputes with vaccination fans are useless.
There is a chance to convience people who seek for the truth, but not those who have already found "their truth", comfortable only for them..

I'm happy here I've found you, my friends, who think the same, and I don't feel so lonely any more. In real life there are no people around me who think the same, only my husband..

I get so tired of trying to get people to listen to logic and not to doctors. Also, people are brainwashed by tv commercials constantly pounding the government bs day after day. I tell them to follow the money to see who profits, but either they don't want to or too busy with their day to day activities to check it out. Plus it is not easy to resist the constant bombardment of people telling you not to listen to the "anti-vax" conspiracy stuff. It is easier to go along to get along.

yes, you'r right.
If people don't want to listen to you, no arguments will work.
People just dont want to realize they were wrong, it's not easy, so it's better to blame everyone who makes them do it

Nice read. I leave an upvote for this article thumbsup

wow very helpful and awesome concept..thanks for share..

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